The Thing is a rocky Brawler who deals massive damage to single targets. New Warriors are incomplete at the moment, that is true, but you can assemble a powerful team that will provide both healing and damage nevertheless. His first skill inflicts medium damage and has a chance to apply Offense Down to target. Doctor Octopus needs new Sinister Six members, Electro and Swarm to reach his full potential and he will summon missing Sinister Six members in combat. Yellowjacket has synergy Villain Tech allies such as Doctor Doom, Minn-Erva, or Ultron, so he can be part of certain custom tech teams when needed. Troopers and places Offense Up, Defense Up, and Deathproof on all of them. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage and always applies Defense Down on enemies. When upgraded this ability inflicts Stun instead of the blind on the primary target. White Tiger is a Shadowlands Mystic Brawler who lowers the Defense of enemies and prevents them from healing while increasing the attacking capabilities and Speed of all Shadowland allies. His first ability causes up to 200% damage before executing a bonus attack that causes up to 150% Damage. Also, when Anti-Venoms Health drops below 50%, he gains Evade. All members of the team gain 100% drain which is amazing. Cable and Deadpool are slightly improved to synergize with the new characters who are the story for themselves. If Scream has 3 or more Symbiote allies she decreases the Resistance of all enemies by 30%. All in all, this team has potential and can bring you victories when you dont have any other solutions. He is a Top Tier hero in the true meaning of that word. I think that Mister Fantastic needs a Striker ISO-8 class to be fully effective/. Passive ability grants her 1 Charge every turn to up to a maximum of 5. If there is the slightest chance to assemble them in first rotation do not save resources for doing that it will pay off several times! Additionally, while in Binary Form, she heals her self and attacks all enemies for 150% of her base damage at the end of each turn. Graviton has a great synergy with other A.I.M characters who are now reworked and pose a formidable threat to anyone on the opposite side. His first skill shreds primary and adjacent targets for a medium amount of damage and applies Offense Down on the primary target. Best of all is that his speed and Health can be enhanced by upgrading his passive skill and his passive is always placing up to 2 random negative effects on him at the start of each turn allowing him to debuff enemies with each strike (if he is rebuffed with Offense Down it automatically becomes Offense Up). Passive ability grants Blob Offense Up for 2 turns at the start of combat and Taunt whenever Brotherhood ally drops below 50% health. It also increases the Critical Damage of all X-Factor members (including him) by up to 25% while for other allies Critical Damage is increased up to 10%. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and clears 2 positive effects from a single target. Shockers price is 15 shards obtainable in Heroes Assemble 3-9 and Cosmic 1-9 Campaign missions. In Marvel Strike Force, S.H.I.E.L.D. Both his active skills are single-target shots that can cause devastating damage. Al Skill Military allies and Red Guardian additionally receives Regeneration. His second ability strikes the primary target for only 160% of his base damage but strikes adjacent targets as well and transfers positive effects excluding Stealth and Taunt from the primary target to self. Hydra Armored Guard is a typical protector who delivers piercing damage and can taunt his enemies while clearing negative effects from himself and healing himself. Omega Reds max Hp is permanently increased by 50% and as long as any enemy has Immunity all Weapon X allies are granted +40% Crit Chance. His first skill inflicts medium piercing damage against the single target. His second skill causes medium damage against the single target and places Disrupted. If the enemy hero Controller dies Ebony Maw gains 1 Charge, applies Immunity to all allies, and Barrier them for 20% of Ebony Maws Max Health. This gargantuan character has the chance to lower enemy defenses while attacking and he can buff himself with Offense Up, same as adjacent A.I.M. While taunting Thanos has increased resistance to the point that he is immune to all enemy debuffs and additionally he has a chance to provide ability energy to himself and all Cosmic allies after each kill. She is a natural counter to all Heroes who provide Healing and on top of that, she can cause some serious damage to single targets. This ability bypasses Heal Block and heals him additionally for up to 4000 Health. Her skillset counters Phoenix which indicates that she will be an irreplaceable member of any team who wants to oppose the mighty X-Man team. If Colleen is an ally ultimate cannot be blocked and it grants +5000% Focus to Misty if she defending the Helicarrier. Also, he provides another Charged to Misty and Colleen meaning that the sustenance of this team is almost doubled. Heimdall deals with Stealth and Blind, Sif protects, Loki provides defense and he softens enemies, while Thor is responsible for a ridiculous amount of damage this team can cause. This team is capable of defeating almost any node in Ultimus 7 without difficulties and within 4:30 minutes. While she is in Stealth her Critical Damage is increased by 100%. In AW ultimate also applies Trauma on all enemies and it cant be blocked. Star-Lord is a very strong hero but his power diminishes with every new day and every new Hero released. Above all that his special ability inflicts more damage than any other skill from the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Passive ability grants Defense Up to all non-minion S.H.I.E.L.D. This ability has a 25% chance to be assisted by Yelena Belova. He can cast Defense Up which can heal him and last 3 turns if enhanced. X-23 is another X-Force character who is formidable when in the X-Force team and who is decent at most when combined with other Heroes. Along with Strife, Mister Sinister will be an ideal addition to Sabretooth and Mystique whose importance started to fade away in the last few months after the introduction of X-Men and other new Heroes. Her passive ability allows her to clear up to 2 negative effects from up to 2 allies at the start of each turn. minion who repeatedly uses taunt to protect his allies. Operative is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain Marvels price is 100 shards which were available through Widowmakers Month Rewards. Hand Assassin delivers heavy damage and she is able to apply Heal Block on target. This team was once a META but that was a long time ago and now all that remains is its usefulness against other custom teams and Defenders. In War Defense, if Colleen has 3 or more Hero for Hire Allies she gains up to 2 Charged. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage to the target and has a 40% chance for one or two bonus attacks. His second skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and up to 150% of damage to all other enemies. If Swarm is Charged, he loses 1 Charge after using skill, and if he is not Charged he attacks himself causing heavy damage. Then it chains to 2 adjacent targets ignoring Stealth and causing the same effects with slightly decreased damage (Counterattack breaks this chain). Captain Marvel is a killing machine! Since Pym Teck team equally performs well in both offense and defense, it is entirely up you whether to put them on Hellicarrier or to leave them for attack. Passive ability grants Assist now on Jubilee, random Astonishing X-Men ally or Wolverine on their every turn. In AW, Omega Red at the start of combat fills Speed Bar by 15% +15% for each Weapon X ally. Because of all of the above, Doctor Stranges price is 100 shards currently obtainable in Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 2.9 Mystic Campaign mission. Her second skill causes little damage and provides two Counters. His statistics are quite good and he, like other Hand minions, has a decent dodge chance. The first option gives the team healing and buffs, while loading Killmonger with charges. Due to the new Taskmaster's kit, he will assist on every Underworld or Mercenary ally turn. It is a very interesting strategy of protecting the team but is extremely vulnerable against some Heroes (Carnage, Jubilee) who fill the Speed Bar of all allies on every death. As long as he is under the effect of Deflect his Resistance is increased by 300%. If you want to increase his chance of placing Slow with his special skill equipp him with Skirmisher ISO-8 class and if you want to exploit his AOE ability give him Raider ISO-8 class. Hero, City, Bio, Support, Spider-Verse, Symbiote. Jonathan Majors is Kang the Conquerer, the biggest challenge for the Super Heroes of the MCU. To make sure that his debuffs will not be resisted, Korath should be equipped with the Skirmisher ISO-8 class which will allow him to place Vulnerability as well and increase his Focus. Very nice and very crafty, isnt it? Stryfe is a very powerful tank and in combination with Emma Frost, Mister Sinister, Mystique and Sabretooth he poses a great threat to anyone. Improving the damage of his basic means improving the damage of every assist, therefore, the improvement of his basic is mandatory. Additionally, at the start of every turn, Colleen gains Deflect and places Assist Now on Misty Knight. Ultron is a well-known adversary, now boosted and ready for your use. His first ability causes heavy damage against the single target, chains to an additional target and grants him Defense Up. The passive ability grants up to a 35% Crit and up to 20% Block Amount as long as Shang Chi is under the effect of Deflect. Every new Legendary Hero brings a new META team into the play. As a protector who heavily relies on Focus to be effective in clearing buffs or placing debuffs, it would be best to equip Kitty with Skirmisher ISO-8 class. Longshot is a genetically engineered hero from the Mojoverse, where he uses his luck powers to deal critical hits and become a hit with critics. Using Colleen without other Heroes for Hire is possible but not recommendable. Also, it has a chance to grant Evade to them when their Health drops below 50% and it grants permanently increased Focus to them and permanently increased Dodge rate to Yo-Yo. Shatterstar is a Mutant Brawler who emphasizes the power of critical hits to his allies and who lower enemies defenses while increasing the defenses of his X-Factor allies. If Red Guardian has more than 3 Skill Military allies he and all Skil Military allies receive +50% additional Focus. To help him do that you should equip him with Striker ISO-8 class. He needs Fortifier or HEaler ISO-8 class to reach his full potential. Healer ISo-8 class is the only viable solution for Maria Hill. When we talk about ISO-8, Bishop can benefit from both Fortifier and Striker classes depending on how you want to use him. This team can beat any other combination in Marvel Strike Force except Inhuman/Phoenix combination. His Base damage is significantly higher than any other Hero in Marvel Strike Force while his skill set is so overpowered that his sole presence on the battlefield will be enough for winning a battle (at least at the start, while only a few recruited him). Villain, Cosmic, Tech, Support, Ravager, Minion. Negasonic is an X-Force Blaster that dramatically increases the damage output of all X-Force allies in the Alliance War. Proximas ultimate attack single target causing heavy piercing damage. Healer ISO-8 class is a natural decision for this hero, although she could increase her Focus by deciding to equip Skirmisher class. During Stealth, Miles Dodge Chance is increased. Cant-miss news and updates from across the Marvel Universe! Villain, Global, Skill, Blaster, Wakandan, Mercenary. Also, Colossus passive ability grants him +1000% Resistance while he is under the effect of Defense Up and increases his and X-Men allies Health by 20%. However, Wakanda team is not very powerful so Kilmonger should be used with them only in raids. Depending on the placement of ISO-8 classes on other X-Men Heroes, Psylocke should be equipped with either Skirmisher or Striker ISO-8 class. Operatives price is 15 shards and she is obtainable through orbs and 4-3 Heroic Assemble campaign mission. With the introduction of Stature, Ghost and Yellowjacket, Ant-Man and Wasp gained a new more important roles, so now only Nebula is the Hero who is sufficient in your roster. However, without full X-Factor synergy Longshot is just a decent Hero who will not bring balance changes to the game. In Marvel Strike Force, A.I.M. With a 50% block chance, he is almost impenetrable and he will sustain any damaging skill with minimum health loss. After the Defenders Update, Iron Fist can heal other Defender Heroes and his damage is increased. To reach his full potential he should be equipped with Fortifier ISO-8 class. Her second skill heals her and adjacent allies for a medium amount of Health and has a chance to apply Regeneration. team. Wasp ultimate hit all targets in the enemy team for 270% of her base damage and this ability cannot be Countered. If we talk about ISO-8, in my opinion, Iceman will benefit the most from Skirmisher Class. Daredevil ultimate can be cast in the first round and can strike multiple enemies for 400% of his base damage. At the top of that, all Hydra Minions are recently buffed and now we have a team that will cause fear to everyone. Nobu is a mysterious ninja master who summons Hand Ninjas and specializes in ambushing his opponents, Villain, City, Mystic, Controller, Hand, Martial Artist. Monstrosity is a massive brute that gains strength at the expense of vulnerability. Hand Assassin is a quick attacker who prevents healing on a single target. Hero, Cosmic, Skill, Protector, Asgardian, Galactic Warrior. When Cull Obsidians Health drops below 75%,50%, and 25% he gains +1 Deathproof up to a maximum of 5. Her second skill causes minimum damage against primary and adjacent targets, changes their Speed Bar by up to -15%, and applies Ability Block to the primary target. Bullseye is a ruthless mercenary who takes down single targets with focused damage and perfect accuracy. Nobu is an expensive HAND Controller who summons Ninja allies. To increase the already high sustenance of the Marauder team Emma Frost needs a Healer ISO-8 class. I am not sure that Infinity Watch as it is, is good for Marvel Strike Force in general but I am sure that INfinity Watch is the best team that is introduced from the beginning of the game. In War Defense Emma Frost applies Defense Up for up to 2 turns to all Mutant Villain allies at the start of combat. Honduras, 1974. Shuri is a legendary Hero for a reason. Minn-Erva is another Hero whose presence in the Raid team is of vital importance because her healing cannot be compared with any other. Best of all is that Scarlet Witch when in full Supernatural team can start the battle by placing Defense Down on all enemies. Namor is a mutant Brawler who helps the Fantastic Four wash away enemy teams during War. Stature protects this team and grants them evade when their Health drops below 50%, while Ghost is almost untouchable (has Evade always), counters every incoming attack, and redistributes large portion of Enemy health to his Pym Tech allies. For each Charge Silver Samurai has, an additional attack is executed with the same power to up to a maximum of 5 attacks (All Charged are removed afterward). If he is Charged at the start of combat (Raids) the Charged status is removed and Bishop is granted Regeneration. In the meantime, Silver Surfer and Deathpool are natural choices while Adam Warlock can be used as 5th member for Raids. Hulks ultimate strikes primary and adjacent targets for the high amount of damage and this damage is multiplied if Hulk is under 50% of Health. For reaching his full potential, other Wave I Avengers must be improved too, which happened recently (Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow are buffed). With the help of Scream, Symbiots no longer have difficulties with Stealth targets and enemy Resistance, which means that they are counter for the Asgardian Defense team in Alliance War and many other teams that were too difficult for them earlier. Sabretooths ultimate also inflicts a huge amount of damage to the primary target but can chain to up to 3 additional targets (Counterattack breaks this chain) and applies Bleed for 2 turns on all targets. However since he will assist and Counter a lot and since his attacks can be deadly, ISO-8 Striker Class is another solution. Unlike Longshot, Shatterstar is someone who could be used outside of a full X-Factor team because he has 2 extremely dangerous AOE abilities. In the process, it places Taunt + Deathproof to all Dupes. Additionally, it permanently increases Proximas, Thanos and the Black Orders Focus by up to 30%. Blob is a very good addition to the Brotherhood team. That fact reflects also on Raids where they can be your first choice for Cosmic nodes and a secondary team for Ultimus 7. Hero, City, Mystic, Brawler, Shadowland, Infiltrator. Winter Soldier is a relentless Hydra Blaster who inflicts Bleed and Heal Block and delivers Piercing damage. Without Passive level 5, Taskmaster is drastically less powerful. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. With recent improvements, Taskmaster will place his debuffs and utilities almost always regardless of enemy Resistance and his Focus. Taskmaster is a Mercenary Controller who assists every action of his Mercenary allies while harassing opponents with Stun, Offense Down, Blind, and Bleed. Trooper is not very expensive and its cost is just 15 orbs, obtainable through premium orbs, Raid Store, Raid orbs, and through Villains United 4-3 Campaign mission. Players can also support Scopely by purchasing their expensive offers . His first skill inflicts massive damage to the single target. As for ISO-8 Class it would be the best that Red Guardian is either full Healer or full Attacker, therefore, he should be equipped with Healer class or Striker class. Ravager Boomer is a very fast blaster who can attack the main target and adjacent targets with his heavy plasma rifle. You can get Hand Sorceress at the beginning of the game as you start Villain campaign missions. However, there is another solution you can equip him with Healer Class as an addition to Moondragons Healer class to make Infinity Watch even tougher. Groot price is 100 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 2.9 Nexus campaign mission. When fully upgraded, passive ability heals Longshot by 20% of his Health every turn. Quake is a S.H.I.E.L.D. After finding a way to beat S.H.I.E.L.D. Also, at the start of every turn, she heals herself depending on the number of non-minion Asgardian allies. Shang Chis ultimate attacks all enemies causing up to 450% damage + 75% additional damage per positive effect on the primary target and reduces the Speed Bar of all enemies by 10%. Carnage passive ability fills his Speed Bar and heals him for 10% of HP when the enemys HP is under 25%. An altered Venom Symbiote turned Eddie Brock into Anti-Venom, a Hero who heals rather than destroys. Simliary to original Spider-Man, I would equip Miles with Raider ISO-8 class but if yount to be sure that his debuffs will be placed equipp him with Skirmisher class. Hero, Global, Skill, Controller, Secret Avenger, Avenger, Saboteur. Bishop is a combination of damage dealer and tank. He can do almost everything and if combined with the rest of Shadowlands Heroes he will do miracles. Kitty Pryde can be used as a replacement for Psylocke or Storm in the original X-Men team as someone who will remove buffs, flip Taunt and place Disrupt but her full potential will only be reached when in full Astonishing X-Men team. Her second skill steals the percentage of Health from all enemies and heals herself for the same amount while applies Regeneration to all allies at the same time. Protective of Rocket Raccoon. Her second skill inflicts medium damage and has a chance to chain to 2 adjacent targets as well. ally if Scientist Supreme is ally and his Health is above 75%. His first skill inflicts medium damage and has a high chance to gain an assist from HAND ally. Other members of the team possess all other things needed for dominating against other teams. Additionally, on his every turn and every turn of any Weapon X ally, a Barrier equal to 10% of his max HP is placed on him. It is still early to jump to conclusion but this team has everything they can heal, they can cleanse, they can debuff like no one else and they can punish. His second skill increases the speed bar of all allies depending on the number of enemies with positive effects and removes stealth from all targets. There are a lot of useful team combinations with Ultron but we have chosen this one since it uses some Heroes who have not any obvious synergy with other Meta teams (Korath) which could be essential if you cant find an appropriate team for Ultron in Alliance War or Blitz. Phyla-Vells price is 45 shards and she will be available through the Vote for Loki Special Event. However, his full potential can only be seen in the Alliance War. Most players call it splash damage. Her second skill heals the lowest Health ally and adjacent allies for a large amount of Health and clears up to 3 negative effects from each healed ally. Frankly, Crossbones, Yondu, Kingpin and Hand Sentry who were once Top Tier Heroes now havent place in other synergy teams so it is natural to try to get the best of them in the given circumstances. Miles Morales controls the field with web blasts and electrical shocks that prolong negative effects and apply Disrupted. Also whevenr an enemy Taunts Ultimus Speed Bar is increased by up to 30%. His basic skill transfers 1 Counter from the primary target on himself before it delivers up to 250% Piercing damage in the process. Minions killed by this skilled cannot be revived and this skill cannot be dodged or blocked. Silver Surfers price is only 45 shards but according to his kit it will not pass long before he gets META status so unlocking him should be your priority as soon as he becomes available. However he needs Longshot to do that, so if you want to use Shatterstar before the full X-Factor team is introduced you will be forced to use Longshot as well. In Marvel Strike Force, A.I.M. With the introduction of ISO-8 classes, Daredevil can be further improved if he is equipped with the Raider class. Uncategorized. Moon Knights skill-set is amazing, especially in Alliance War. In addition the Speed Bar of all targets is reduced by up to 20%. Even though his Focus will be significantly increased in AW, I suggest that Omega Red is equipped with Skirmisher class just to be sure that his debuffs will be placed and to have 1 cleanser in the team. Thanos is THE tank but he can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Milestone Orbs and Nexus 8-9 Campaign mission. is playing against them it rarely focuses on Dr. Phyla-Vell can clear all debuffs from all allies at the start of combat while Moondragon can clear all buff from all enemies at the same time. Privacy Policy. Hydra Sniper is a sniper who takes careful aim before shooting to ensure perfect accuracy, Villain, Global, Tech, Blaster, Hydra, Minion. Even Skirmisher Class can be used if you wanna exploit his assist to remove buffs from enemies. Passive ability grants Juggernaut increased resistance and health. Since only new PymTech Heroes (Ghost, Yellowjacket, and Stature) have special buffs in Dark Dimension and no one had an opportunity to invest in them yet, I am not an optimist that many players will have Doctor Doom anytime soon. With her second skill, she offers decent healing to all allies and revives Coulson with 50% Health if he is dead. If Moondragon is charged and there is more than 1 non-summoned enemy, instead of attacking she Mind Controls 1 random non-summoned target to attack the primary target. This skill has great synergy with Magnetos ultimate which brings all enemies next to each other. His second skill infuses a primary target with random negative effects and clears all positive effects from the rest of the team with a chance to flip positive effect into negative. GotG team with Minn-Erva and Vision was once a Meta team in the Arena but now it is usually used as another sure-to-win team in Blitz and sometimes in Alliance War. Villain, City, Tech, Support, Mercenary, Minion, Pirates, bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and thieves. Kestrel is overpowered in every way and will have amazing synergy with Black Bolts ability to make extra strikes against near-dead targets because of her ability to make extra strikes whenever someone attacks the target with Defense Down. Namor makes his Fantastic Four allies a nightmare to anyone in Alliance War Defense that is for sure. Shang Chi is a final member of Heroes for Hire who protects his H4H allies from negative effects and whose strength scales with the number of positive effects on his enemies. If there are no Stealthed targets Green Goblin attack the primary target instead (this practically means that Green Goblin will ignore Taunt if there are Stealthed target on the battlefield). In the Alliance War, Electros ultimate clears all positive effects on the primary target and up to 2 positive effects on all other targets. Hero, Global, Mutant, Controller, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men, Legendary. A player can experiment with other classes, but honestly only the Healer class should be an option for her. Loki ultimate summons 2 mirror images of Loki at 300% of his base damage and provides Loki with Stealth and Evade. Hulk is obtainable only through achievement rewards and his price is 180 shards. Just be sure not to put him Healer or Skirmisher. Same as first skill, her special grants 1 charge if she is not in Binary form or uses 1 charge if she is. While in Binary Form, passive ability grants her increased damage, armor, focus and resistance. Also, War Machine has a chance (100% on maximum rank) to apply Taunt on enemies whose Health is below 50%. Magneto is a famous Mutant Controller and a leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants who can shift positions of enemies in order to enhance the ability effects of his Brotherhood allies. With the introduction of Agent Coulson, the Operatives role has been slowly diminished but she can still be used with success. Villain, City, Blaster, Mercenary, Minion. Her second skill also inflicts heavy damage which is increased with each Hero Brawler in the team. At the first glance, it may seem that Falcon is not that good because his damage output is mediocre, but in the right team (Power Armor) he can be very deadly, especially in Alliance War, against all enemies who rely on buffs. Her summons are very useful and they are practically impossible to be killed while Hela is alive. Thor is an Avenger Blaster who strikes hard with his hammer and lightning. Miles ultimate strikes all enemies for a medium amount of damage and applies disrupted for 2 turns on primary and up to 1 additional target. Ravager Boomer is a heavily armed space pirate who supports his allies with plasma cannon fire, Villain, Cosmic, Tech, Blaster, Ravager, Minion, Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Also, her chance to trigger a bonus attack on the end of any Hero for Hire turn, ignoring Taunt and Stealth, is risen to 100%. Kree Reaper is an expensive Brawler and her cost is 45 shards obtainable through premium orbs and milestone orbs. Healer ISO-8 class is definitely the best for him and equipping him with any other class cannot be justified in any category. Passive ability grants him Counter at the start of combat and increased health per Sinister Six ally. Point is that if you havent succeeded in acquiring Minn-Erva you could have a formidable Raid team with Mantis instead. If Hulk is in a team with another Wave I -Avenger he gains counter as well. Negasonic is a heavy hitter who plays very often since her Speed Bar is filled after every enemy turn. Stature is a main Protector of Pym Tech team but she also has synergy with Hero Bio Heroes such as Captain Marvel or Black Bolt. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the single target and grants a bonus attack which damage depends on the number of negative effects on that target. Dominos ultimate causes heavy damage and applies Disrupt against the primary target and then rebound chains to up to 3 adjacent targets. Kree Nobles are the elite classes of Kree society who order others to vanquish theirenemies. His second skill causes devastating damage against the single target (damage is doubled and piercing if the target is Minion) and clears up to 3 Deathproofs from that target.

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