I use them all the time in anything to do with the Zapruder frame. Connally turns his head sharply to the right. This is especially evident in the Nix film. No such parietal-temporal-frontal wound was seen at Parkland Hospital in Dallas by any of the treatment staff the day Kennedy was shot and treated there. Mrs. Kennedy is looking around. They may have; right now Im just not sure/do not recall ? Dino A. Brugioni was thechief information officer and briefing board czar at NPIC for about two-and-a-half decades. Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Gaslighting: Conspiracy Theories Already Proven True in 2023, UK Considered Mandating Killing of All Pet Cats to Stop COVID, The Curious Case of Evangelist Pat Robertson, Trudeau gives federal employees a $75K benefit for sex changes, Fed Speech Scrapped After Participant Shows Porn in Zoom Room, Normalizing Cannibalism and Weaponizing Celebrity Culture. Zapruders position indicated by yellow arrow on the Nix film below. The little girl has stopped running. Foliage blocks a School Book Depository snipers view of Kennedy (with a small break at 186), according to reconstructions (2.3 seconds). Chart from Military Armament Corporation. https://alethonews.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/how-cbs-news-aided-the-jfk-cover-up/. For Further Reading Report of the President's Commission on the. People seem to be totally oblivious to the presence of the Presidential limousine and those in it.Nobody on the sidewalk turns a head as the limousine passes by. When I first pondered this, I was a little skeptical, however, like Russ here at Winter Watch, Im willing to look at ALL possibilities! a long-awaited new book by legendary JFK researcher Josiah Thompson, 1847.2005 Related Items So instantaneous the crowd hadnt had time to react.. | Thanks for the link to the youtube video showing the Muchmore film and parts of Bobby Hargis's 1995 interview. On Thursday, March 24, 2011, I happened to be in Vancouver, British Columbia. > Researchers have come to the general consensus that the Zapruder film ran at approximately 18.3 seconds per frame, this means that McLain would be in position M at what could be called Zapruder frame 71 or 58 (It should be noted that there was a stop in the Zapruder film at frame 132, so frame 71 and 58 referred to here our not actually frame I heard a noise from my right rear, which to me seemed to be a firecracker. Kennedy is slumped to his left, the right parietal area of his skull completely exposed. Peoples also interviewed Nolan Griffin, a gas station attendant in Robertson County. Woody Tells the Truth On SNL Actor met with ridicule and opposition from brainwashed journalists. Besides, a Derringer cannot blow the back of someones head off. I just do not believe a man could shoot himself like that. The undertakers son, Raymond Jones, later told the journalist, Bill Adler in 1986: Daddy said he told Judge Farmer there was no way Mr. Marshall could have killed himself. The Zapruder film gives a much closer view of the action, and of whatever may have landed on the trunk as a result of JFKs devastating wound which might suggest a shot from the front a possibility that would raise serious questions about the official narrative of the assassination, that JFK was shot from behind. Rosemary Willis should be interviewed, shown her actions in the Zapruder film and asked to explain why she turned her head quickly to her right in the first second of the Zapruder film and why she made her other movements visible in the Zapruder film. Her jumping on the back of the car was not to grab some brain-matter, but to retrieve the bullet casing! When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The little girl who is running next to the Car begins to turn to her right. The Zapruder film frames prior to frame 225 looked to the Secret Service investigators to be mostly uninteresting because, to their eyes, nothing of significance could be seen in the earliest frames of the Zapruder film. When he left the school depository, he could have then taken it with him. Last Second in Dallas, The alteration of an individual frame, Z155, with obvious manipulation of adjacent frames before and after, are highly indicative that something very fishy is going on here. demobilised December 1945 Im referring to Clint Hill, the man who jumped onto the trunk of the limousine to protect Jackie Kennedy who had gone out onto the trunk of the car. A customer at the golf course had heard the shooting and managed to make a note of Wallaces license plate. A Texas Ranger artist, Thadd Johnson, drew a facial sketch based on a description given by Griffin. Pierre Sands was the NPIC executive director the No. BEFORE JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr, GOOGLE: THE SUICIDE OF HENRY MARSHALL. The two officers riding (to the left?) Since 2000 I have investigated the Zapruder People will believe what they want to believe, especially if it furthers ones leanings. You may be wondering at this point: How could anyone with normal hearing not have heard that first loud bang? Lyndon Baines Johnsons personal secretary, Marie Fehmer, who flew back to Washington on Air Force One with LBJ on 11-22-1963, just happens to be the daughter of Olga Fehmer, currently living in Tyler, Texas. Asked about the origin of the second shot he heard: It was right, but I cannot say for sure that it was rear, because when I mounted the car it was it had a different sound than the first sound that I heard. (YouTubeversion), In 2002 I used 16 photographs taken by the late Jack White He told Homer McMahon that a patriotic citizen in Dallas had donated the camera-original film to the Secret Service out of a sense of duty, and that the individual did not want to make any money off of the film, and so he had given it to the Secret Service for free. Kennedy's limousine has just turned onto Elm Street, moments before the first shot, and the President is apparently waving. Winter Watch has spotted other red flags concerning TIME-LIFE that suggest it was a key deep-state Crime Syndicate operative during this era. His mother and Mary Meyer were classmates at Vassar College. 2. created this video in 2013 By carefully measuring the positions of this chunk of bone in Frames 313 and 314, and using knowledge of how Zapruder's camera worked, scientists worked backwards using physics and determined that the bullet must have hit JFK's head right after the end of the exposure of Frame 312. When UPI returned the copyright and all of its copies to the Nix family in 1992, the original film was missing. On 22nd October, 1951, Mac Wallace went to Kinsers miniature golf course. In 1953 and 1954 a woman named, Jeanne LeGon worked SIDE by SIDE with Abraham Zapruder at a high end clothing design firm called, Nardis of Dallas. I have watched that documentary, and I firmly believe that Dino Brugioni is a competent, credible, honest and forth-right expert who clearly and cogently presented evidence that proves the Zapruder film was altered; frames missing, showing more visuals of the brain matter shooting higher up in the air, the motorcade stopping, etc. The home movie footage shot by Abraham Zapruder that caught the assassination of the U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. But it may be more important to see what actually happens at the moment of the bullet impact. It seems that several witnesses did not hear the actual first shot. [Numerous Ear-witnesses recall the first shot being about this point, when the car has just turned the corner onto Elm Street]. At one time, DeMohrenschildt actually was engaged to be married to Jackies mothers sister, (Jackies aunt), Michelle. reopened this long-settled question. He also worked for Murchisons Three States Oil & Gas Co. Jackie Kennedy grew up calling George DeMohrenschildt, Uncle George as her mother Janet Auchincloss nearly married him after she had dated him during her divorce from Jackies father, Black Jack Bouvier. (YouTubeversion), Frames Z-325 to Z-389: Fixed camera pointing at Ike Altgens The average weight of a 6.5 mm Carcano bullet is 161.2 grains. 2 man in the chain of command in November 1963. Let me me know if you are interested. He shot his remarkable movie, on Nov. 23, 1963, using a wind-up Bell & Howell . REMEMBER! June 17, 2014 at 7:35 pm. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. Zapruder said that he had a nightmare about President's head exploding. In the Nix film, Jackie goes noticeably further out on the trunk. Homer McMahon vividly remembered that the customer at NPIC that night was asingle Secret Service agent named Bill Smith. Yes Agent Smith, you cant make this stuff up. Then John Waters . Peter Jenneys father was a top CIA agent and their family were friends with Mary Pinochot Meyer and Cord Meyer, another top CIA agent. They said he committed suicide with a BOLT-ACTION RIFLE, shooting himself 5 TIMES! Kennedy's head. Some time ago, Roy pointed out evidence of Zapruder film alteration not in the sequence on Elm Street, where so many researchers have found and pointed out obvious alterations, but much earlier as early as Z frames 153-158. Title 8, Chapter 21, Demonstrative Evidence; Section 214: The principle upon which photographs are most commonly admitted into evidence is the same as that underlying the admission of illustrative drawings, maps, and diagrams. Two large bullet fragments were found in the car (44.6 and 21.0 grains = 65.6 grains) after they dented some chrome and damaged the windshield, and a pristine (Magic) bullet at the hospital (158.6 grains). Stabilized HD versions of the Zapruder film (2006) In 2006 I created seven stabilized HD versions of the Zapruder film, running at real-time speed: Frames 133 to 486: Following the limo ( YouTube version ) Frames Z-001 to Z-257: Fixed camera pointing at the top of Elm Street ( YouTube version ) The Zapruder Film [ edit] Wrone's 2003 book, The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK's Assassination, provides a frame-by-frame analysis of Abraham Zapruder 's 26-second film of Kennedy's assassination and various aspects of the film's history. No pictures were taken of the crime scene, no blood samples were taken of the stains on the truck (the truck was washed and waxed the following day), no check for fingerprints were made on the rifle or pickup. of the Zapruder film. He would know that his fingerprints would be all over it. [This is likely when Connally tried to take his next regular breath, the lung punctured only 2/3s of a second before collapsed, and making him feel like hed just been hit; or, he IS hit at this point and his lung collapses at this point]. And some heard a shot for the first time when Kennedy was hit in the head, then they heard one or more shots afterward. What is hard to understand, in retrospect, is why LIFE magazine published such muddy, indistinct images of a film on which its parent company, TIME, Inc., had spent $150,000? Today. Claims of a broader conspiracy behind U.S. President John F. Kennedy's assassination have persisted for the past nearly five decades. You know the Zapruder film, don't you-the 26-second home movie that dress manufacturer Abraham Zapruder shot with his 8-millimeter camera in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963. Abraham Zapruder-White Russian affiliation, 32nd degree Mason, active MEMBER of 2 CIA Proprietary Organizations: The Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe; These two organizations were CIA (backed) Domestic Operations in Dallas whose membership included: Abraham Zapruder, Clint Murchison (owner of the Dallas Cowboys at that time) , Mr. Byrd, (owner of the Texas School Book Depository), Sarah Hughes, who swore LBJ in as the 36th President while Air Force One was still on the ground in Dallas, George DeMohrenschildt, (CIA contract agent AND best friend of LHO), George Bush (also close friend of George DeMohrenschildt), Neil Mallon, (mentor that Bush named his son, Neil, after), H.L. On March 29, 1977 the same day DeMohrenschildt agreed to an interview with the HSCA, George DeMohrenschildt was found dead of a shotgun blast through his mouth by his daughter, Alexandra. What he said seems to suggest he saw Kennedy being shot in the head for a second time immediately after the first time. The explosion of brain matter visible in frame 313 is consistent with an exit wound. I thank Pamela Brown, a flautist and JFK assassination researcher, for her help in understanding certain aspects of Kennedys limousine. recent interview on Black Op Radio (2011), A simple introduction to the The so-called umbrella man is NOT pumping his umbrella. Per Horne, the main goal with the Zapruder film was to match the clandestine, post-mortem surgery on JFKs head wounds at Bethesda Naval Hospital, as it would have provided a rough guide for the massive head wound in the top and right side of the skull that had to be painted onto selected Zapruder film frames the next day, on Sunday. In total, the Zapruder film was viewed by this group on a frame-by-frame basis and at various speeds approximately 100 times. Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Dealey Plaza (Father of Nehrams2020 / Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0). And, he says, when he mounted the car the sound of that shot was different from the earlier one. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. There should be blood mist and blood spatter all over Jackie and the car and the the Secret Service guy who soon crawls up the back of the car. Six Seconds in Dallas, Here: http://spookyweather.blogspot.com/2013/11/proof-jfk-hit-in-back-not-neck-single.html. Nix always maintained, including in an interview with Mark Lane, that he heard shots coming from the grassy knoll. His was sold to UPI. Didnt he bring it in some sort of long leather pouch disguised as curtain rods ? . The Truth Behind JFK's Assassination. But he testified that he did so immediately after hearing the first shot. Other witnesses had the same impression. (It shows up only as a white blur on the blue near the bumper.). (This has implications for jiggle analysis the correlation of a shot with film blur caused by a photographers startle reflex. I then overlaid three black and white If anyone cares to see why these gents reason it was just another staged shooting, here is a link to the works of both. Her right elbow is above the word Continental on the side of the car. Hunt, & Demitri Von Mohrenschildt (George Ds brother). It is noticeable that his head moves some distance. DVDs of the Zapruder Film Symposium held in If Clint Hill told the truth when he testified before the Warren Commission, then without knowing it he witnessed a second head shot. There are also about 50 eyewitnesses who suggest the vehicle went into a rolling stop in the area behind this sign. and not like they ever taught too much anyway, right. As we will discuss, Abraham Zapruder,a Ukrainian-born Jewish clothing manufacturer, was the Lucky Larry Silverstein of the whole sordid JFK affair. As noted there, Chaney He also stated that the film showed the nation was missing frames when JFK was hit..showing that the vehicle did in fact stop, as many eye-witnesses reported. The NPICs Director, Arthur C. Lundahl by every indication was involved in the background throughout this operation. My Account The only sign of any real movement (other than the limousine, motorcycles and those in the limousine) is the little girl running on the far sidewalk. Mr. Brugioni was quite startled to find out that this was theonly framegraphically depicting the head explosion in the extant film, which the National Archives has characterized as the original film.He insisted that the head explosion he viewed multiple times on Nov. 23, 1963, was of such a great size and duration (in terms of time) that there should bemany more frames depicting that explosionthan just the one frame (frame 313), as shown in the Zapruder film today. Connally shows no obvious effects. Another reference point is the moment a photographer takes a picture. John Costellas most Voluntary Reaction Time, or Perception-Reaction Time, may be dependent on a number of variables, including an individuals physical and mental condition. Mr. Carvelho's frames offer nothing usable for commenting on. Abraham Zapruder stood on a concrete pedestal along Elm Street in Dealey Plaza holding a high-end Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera. The open and potentially visible location would also be a psychological distracting factor for a shooter.I am perfectly aware many people are wedded to the grassy knoll and The Davis Report An indepth photo journal and analysis of the Patterson Sasquatch film. In the first operation, the NPIC work crew (Brugionis) made briefing boards, using enlargements of individual frames from thetrue camera and original Zapruder film. described above! Amateur films by Abraham Zapruder and Orville Nix do not agree with each other in at least one obvious way. I dont know/recall if the WC ever attempted to explain how/where Oswald stored and then reassembled the rifle inside the TSBD on Nov 22. Costellas film is not subject to copyright infringement, which is the reason why we can show it at will, as John has placed his work in the public domain. 19th Transport Regiment,10th Division,10th French Corps January-July 1940 After finding Kinser in his golf shop, he shot him several times before escaping in his station wagon. is why the videos are broken up into short clips. Jeanne LeGon designed the clothing and Abraham Zapruder cut the patterns and the material for her. using It can be found in an article by attorney and JFK researcher Carol Hewett that is just stunning, rich in insight and very hard-to-get information. Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination: Directed by Abraham Zapruder. Pinterest. Danish Jedburgh Plan Do Jews just stand around on street corners, hoping to get lucky? The strange thing is, Altgens said he took that picture almost simultaneously with what he called the first shot. When questioned closely about the timing, Altgens swore that he heard no other shots or noises that could have been shots before this first one. The fake film was made by cutting and pasting real photos and film frames together to make new frames. Many people see the Zapruder film and point to the president being forced to the back and to the left and believe it supports a shot coming from the grassy knoll. His rifle lay beside him. This kind of motion is grossly asymmetric relative to the front/back (sagittal plane), and is a large, A detailed shot timing analysis suggests that Goveror Connally's reaction at z162 does not appear to be consistent, from a reaction time standpoint, with a proposed shot causing a possible Zapruder camera jiggle at z158. New Zealand researcher Ant Davison Kennedy starts waving again. He had been shot five times with his own rifle. Although a quarter second (~250 ms) after a loud stimulus is an appropriate time for seeing a startle reaction, an exaggerated sweeping sharp turn of the head is not a startle reaction. Talking sometimes to teen-agers born after Sep 11 2001, I am increasingly aware of how a certain amount of the impact of various truth investigations, is due to the fact we older people first experienced many events as news, & so subsequent unravelling of the official story has a certain profundity.

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zapruder film frame by frame analysis