C. exhibit more health problems That is, it can be __________ in different ways. their undesirable characteristics, their desirable characteristics, The ultimate attribution error refers to the tendency for people to make internal attributions to explain, When people want to suppress a thought, the conscious mind works to. B. self-aggrandizement B. terror management theory B. weak D. see ourselves as better than the average person, D. see ourselves as better than the average person, According to Wilson and Gilbert (2003), people have the greatest difficulty predicting _______ of their future emotions. She figured it would only take two days to write the paper so she did not start it until two days before it was due. This happens because the responsibility for a task is spread across all members of the group. Suppose that you meet someone who is smart, adventurous, and highly knowledgeable about rockets and outer space. If you assume it is because his car happened to break down right then and there, in the red zone, then you have made, The tendency for people to judge the frequency or likelihood of an event by the ease with which they can imagine or mentally visualize it is known as, A psychologist who performs research on social cognition would be MOST likely to study. A. failing to appreciate Marshabecause of the simulation heuristic, Suppose that you are a landlord for an apartment building, and one of your tenants, Gus, has just paid his rent with a "bad check" (i.e., you tried to deposit his rent check in the bank, but the check "bounced" and was returned to you). What is the false consensus effect quizlet? What are the three types of social influence in regards to conformity? A. the anticipation of problems to motive effective action The false uniqueness effect is: How would you frame the issue here? On the day they arrive at his home to meet him, he greets them in ripped sweat pants and a stained T-shirt. B. view everyone as relatively average You would be correct in speculating that she likely has _______ feelings of self-efficacy. -people rely on irrational thinking the vast majority of the time, but are still capable of engaging in careful, conscious thought when they need to make important decisions. In a national poll conducted by ABC News, men reported an average of sex partners and women reported an average of sex partners. why people tend to overestimate the degree to which members of minority groups engage in criminal behaviors. Is this belief by millennials an example of the false uniqueness effect or false consensus effect? D. self-presentation, Who is MOST likely to have an independent sense of self? Whenever you smell coconut oil, you tend to think about your recent vacation in the Bahamas (where you and your friends used lots of coconut suntan oil). Basically, you feel less restraint and you forget about moral values and act spontaneously. The first 19 flips are all heads. -people usually do not "adjust" enough away from their anchors. D. an external locus of control, When you give a presentation in class and feel extremely nervous you will tend to A. social rank These findings are consistent with a motivational interpretation that emphasizes the individual's need to justify or normalize stigmatized behavior and to bolster perceived self-competence. Confucius just fell down a flight of stairs. False Uniqueness Effect: The tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities and one's desirable or successful behaviors: Group-Serving Bias: Explaining away outgroup members' positive behaviors; also attributing negative behaviors to their dispositions (while excusing such behavior by one's own group . 10. D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, Goel et al. D. we can't explain that bad things happen to good people, A. effort and fewer self doubts will help us succeed, A sense that one is competent and effective refers to one's: It would not be surprising if people overestimated the likelihood for celebrity marriages to end in divorce, since celebrity divorces tend to be highly publicized (while happy celebrity marriages do not as easily make front page news). This could be an example of: This is an example of: B. feared self This may sound complicated, but it simply means . Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. Add to folder The covariation principle was proposed by Harold Kelley. C. self-esteem Jan. 2014. Her last relationship ended after 6 months and she is strongly motivated to make this relationship last longer. One's _____ makes up his/her _____. Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to __________, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to __________. Within the field of social cognition, the term "priming" refers to, Montana and Sarah are playing cards. B. the corpus collosum According to Harold Kelley's attribution theory, when consistency and consensus are both perceived to be low. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. A. planning fallacy C. attempting to present a favorable image to an external audience C. poor self-esteem D. headlight effect, Greenberg (2008) argues that, to manage their fear of death and feel that their lives are not in vain, people seek to pursue self-esteem by meeting the standards of their society. Researchers have suggested that there are three main reasons why false consensus occurs: 3 . C. rewards and distance ourselves from punishment Our family and friends are more likely to be similar to us and share many of the same beliefs and behaviors. T/F The self-serving bias refers to people's tendency to think that others are more similar to them than they really are when it comes to their faults and weaknesses. C. high C)Volunteering to give blood. False Uniqueness Effect. B. unrealistic optimism. What is the difference between compliance and obedience? A. he is self-handicapping If you think a person is uncooperative, you may act in an uncooperative way in your interactions with the person. D. the looking-glass self, The best way to improve your performance in class is to be _____ in the praise and _____ about your ability and performance. Your general understanding of what a tropical island is all about is MOST clearly an example of, Harold Kelley's attribution theory is sometimes called, The state of having too much information to make a decision or remain informed about a topic is known as, According to the false consensus effect, most people. A. you are the best predictor of your behaviors Confusion over why someone treats you in a particular way is called a. emotional climate b. expectancy effect attributional ambiguity d. self-fulfilling prophecy 14. D. an internal locus control, Which part of the brain seems to be involved in maintaining our sense of self? C. average We tend to think that others would agree with us or see things our way. B. small, non-competitive university ", Dr. Canne wants to encourage Kirk to lose weight. Working out daily will help you maintain good health. The exam was really easy. However, the economic system of most of the world's nations are a combination of the ___ system and the ___ system Central planning, price The three . C. the tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities. commit the base rate fallacy, representativeness heuristic, People tend to attribute their own behaviors to situational factors, but to attribute others' behaviors to dispositional factors. B. we are all in this together Research indicates that __________ engage in counterfactual thinking; and that __________ engage in meta-cognition. D. it depends on what state they live in, When facing competition, we often protect our self-concept by perceiving: 8% of girls born in the United States in 2010 received one of the 10 most common names A. hoped-for possible self B. self-schema D. the tendency to see oneself as superior to others. One explanation for the false consensus effect is that people use their own attitudes and behaviors as "anchors" for predicting others' attitudes and behaviors. Internal attribution involves explaining behavior in term of a person's personal characteristics, whereas external attribution involves explaining behavior in terms of a person's situation/circumstances. She rarely claims that she is unable to complete an assignment and is academically successful. B. A. individualistic This bias is often measured by looking at the difference between estimates that people make about how many of their peers share a certain trait or behaviour and the actual . Why does a manager need to evaluate the solution and look for problems after a solution has been implemented? B. poor self-efficacy Giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications is the definition of: Social psychologists would say that Mr. X is making __________ attributions for Bush's success, while Mr. Y is making __________ attributions. The "correspondence bias" is another term that is used to refer to. Yogurt that is "low fat" can be described as "95% fat free" or as "5% fatty." A. strong The attribution theorist Harold Kelley proposed that people make use of three types of information when they make attributions for others' behaviors. The false consensus effect refers to the tendency for people to. D. the self-serving bias, The habit of using how we imagine another person perceiving us, as a mirror for perceiving ourselves, is referred to as: We'll bring you back here when you are done. A. self-concept Which of the following is true? Suppose that a coin is flipped 20 times. C. focused on having positive relationships B. self-schema C. Keith who lives in Oregon C. average FALSE-UNIQUENESS EFFECT. all of the cases in a group from which samples may be drawn for a study. A. high self-esteem D. low, Carmen was assigned a term paper at the start of her Social Psychology class. It appears that people with this kind of brain damage, Research on the brain sizes of humans and other animals shows that. A. poor self-control Deindividuation involves loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in a group situation that fosters arousal and anonymity. Montana has a great handfour aceswhile Sarah's hand is just averagea 2 of hearts, a 3 of spades, a 5 of spades, and a 7 of clubs. C. the tendency to see our talents and moral behaviors as relatively unusual. D. traditionalists; progressives, When it comes to predicting the intensity and duration of our future emotions, research indicates that most people: illusory correlation. D. other-centered, The extent to which we evaluate our abilities and opinions by comparing ourselves to others is called: C. individuality Please sign in to share these flashcards. B. experience great difficulty The false-uniqueness effect is an attributional type of cognitive bias in social psychology that describes how people tend to view their qualities, traits, and personal attributes as unique when in reality they are not. Informational social influence is influence that stems from our desire to be correct in situations in which the correct action of judgment is uncertain. A gain-framed appeal focuses on framing something in terms. B. he is demonstrating false modesty A. high self-esteem Three-year-old children tend to think that the Stroop test is really easy, as compared to 6-year-old children, 12-year-old children, or adults. B. the duration Most people with high self-esteem value individual achievement and relationships with others. Two studies adopted a traditional false consensus paradigm and investigated the relative magnitude of the FCE between the two cultures in three different categories of personal choices (Study 1) and behavioral choices involving hypothetical conflict situations (Study 2). With prices like that, we're bound to have a delicious meal!" D. low, You notice that your niece is unusually persistent when working on her homework. He answers question #31 with D but isnt sure about it. -interrupt the experimenter to get instructions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Normative social influence is to seeking _____ as informational social influence is to seeking _____. . D. social identity, Blaming the tree for getting in your way after you crashed the car is an example of: A. self-concept; self-schema 41%; 90% A. high; high Believing that other people think and act the same way we do can be beneficial to our self-esteem. Now of days, more and more car purchasers are being deceived by attempting of purchasing a used car online, As stated the study indicates that negatively valenced words are primed faster than positively valenced words. You have created 2 folders. However . . Jules and Jim are reading a book review about a book that both of them have read. A. self-handicapping answer choices True False Question 4 120 seconds Q. They tend to guide our behavior when the attitudes are ones that we feel strongly about, when we are consciously aware of our attitudes, and when outside influences on our behavior are not strong. ", In theory, it would be possible for a child to have a script of. Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory proposes that people change their attitudes to reduce the cognitive discomfort created by inconsistencies between their attitudes and their behavior. He also drives a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, and only stays at top-tier hotels like the Ritz Carlton and the Four Seasons. The teacher is probably trying to. The idea that people project . C. progressives; traditionalists D. learned helplessness, Which statement about predicting your own behaviors or relationships is TRUE? This test is known as. Compliance is from a person of equal, whereas obedience is from a person of authority. B. self-efficacy This student is the only Hispanic person she has ever known. A. compare ourselves to close friends A. planning fallacy What is the difference between social psychology and sociology? The opposite of a cognitive miser would be someone who. A. decreases He plays golf, has a private stable with horses, owns a jet, and is thinking about buying an island. B. skill; chance C. progressives; traditionalists Population. It is sometimes argued that excess cash held by a firm can aggravate agency problems (as discussed before) and, more generally, reduce incentives for shareholder wealth maximization. When she goes to college, she meets a Hispanic student. C. the tendency to see our talents and moral behaviors as relatively unusual Suppose that Greg and Marsha both apply for a prestigious scholarship program, and both get rejected. B. overestimate Psychologists have often attributed the false-consensus effect to a desire to view one's thoughts as appropriate, normal, and correct, and a plethora of experimental evidence has supported the phenomenon. A. internal If you made an internal, unstable attribution for Roger's promotion, then you might think to yourself, "Roger probably worked really hard to get that promotion!". D. self-value, What differentiates a narcissist from someone high in self-esteem? Research shows that they tend to be more influenced by. B. we are more vulnerable to depression A. anger

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the false uniqueness effect is quizlet