In the prologue of the theatrical release of An Unexpected Journey, Smaug had six limbs (four legs and two wings), which was his initial design. Some comments in The Hobbit imply that his entire body was imbued with fire, as he was seen to glow in the darkness of the Lonely Mountain's depths, and his usual paths were said to have been "smoothed and slimed" (i.e. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He did not know that the hobbit had already caught a glimpse of his peculiar under-covering on his previous visit, and was itching for a closer view for reasons of his own. It is possible due to his recognizing them that he may have encountered the weapons at an unknown prior point in the film continuity or that he remembered their use against him in his attack on Dale. His armored scaly skin is shown to be nearly impenetrable and his natural endurance for heat is demonstrated by being able to survive being submerged in molten gold. Which of your vices or bad habits would be the hardest to give up? hobbit desolation of smaug sbg rulebook. Smaug is dead, and Dain Iornfoot sits as King Under the Mountain. He was slain by Bilbo, Thorin's company, and 'Princess Mika' (an invented character who was one of three survivors from Erebor and Esgaroth along with Thorin) by shooting a large arrow, with the heart-shaped Arkenstone serving as the arrowhead, from a ballista. A clever person has the ability to come up with solutions in a given situation, and this attribute is a very desirable one. As Sigrid calls for her father when she hears footsteps approaching the house, an Orc falls before her. Eventually, Bain, Bard's son, arrives to aid his father with a Black Arrow. We found 20 possible solutions for this clue. While destroying Lake-Town, he swooped down straight through an arrow-storm, "reckless in his rage, taking no heed to turn his scaly sides towards his foes, seeking only to set their town ablaze. Gender Though intrigued like in the book when encountering a hobbit for the first time, Smaug despised Dwarves intensely, seemingly considering them wretched and bottom-feeding creatures in spite of how they'd be naturally urged to come after his treasure (ironically, some of the unfavourable remarks he made about them could be used to describe himself, showing off the self-contradictory aspect of his personality); but he seemed to hold a grudge towards Thorin in particular, possibly in spite of suspecting the dwarf-prince's greed or knowing about his royal claim on the Lonely Mountain and its treasure. 3. He claimed the treasure of the mountain for himself and forced Thrr, King under the Mountain, and his people into exile. The first assumption is that Smaug is built like a slim crocodile. [33] The lizards were so named after the fictional dragon for being armoured, dwelling underground, and native to Tolkien's birthplace, Bloemfontein. Smaug: You have been used, Thief in the Shadows. Smaug is snatched out of his rant by Bilbos remark. The latter were a detailed ink and watercolour labelled Conversation with Smaug and a rough coloured pencil and ink sketch entitled Death of Smaug. His red-golden scales were tough enough to deflect most blades, but these only covered his upper hide. What is Smaug's clever question (the catch)? Flawless! Smaug catches his stare elaborating on what exactly Thorin would be going through if he were to let Bilbo take it to him. "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!" -Bilbo, 'The Hobbit'. [1], The scholars of English literature Stuart D. Lee and Elizabeth Solopova analyse the parallels between Smaug and the unnamed Beowulf dragon. Smaug in the original illustration by J.R.R. Bilbo mentions a dragon's typical weak point -- its belly. "[3] Then, Bard, having been informed by a thrush of Smaug's secret weakness, fired a Black Arrow into the vulnerable spot on the dragon's belly. [1], Tolkien noted, in a joking letter that he was surprised to see published in The Observer in 1938, that "the dragon bears as namea pseudonymthe past tense of the primitive Germanic verb smgan,[11] to squeeze through a hole: a low philological jest. But (as my children, at any rate, understand) he is really in a separate picture or plane being invisible to the dragon.. Bard, having escaped imprisonment by the Master of Lake-town, climbs atop the bell tower and begins firing arrows at the dragon, though each attempt fails, harmlessly bouncing off Smaug's armor. When Smaug sees Thorin pointing his sword at Bilbo, asking if he found the Arkenstone, the dragon charges. I as chosen for the lucky number." Not affiliated with Harvard College. This created a conflict with Bard and the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood, each of whom wanted a portion of the gold as reimbursement for all the damage Smaug had caused to their peoples over the years. Smaug likewise upon realising the people of Lake-town had been in league with the Dwarves displayed a mix of hatred and paranoia towards them, in spite of viewing them as snivelling and wretched and in spite of their ancestors' usage of black arrows. I was chosen for the lucky number. You have nice manners for a thief and a liar," said the dragon. Assuming that Smaug would not recognize the scent of a Hobbit, Gandalf recruited Bilbo Baggins to join the quest. Thankfully there's another clue in the text Smaug is described as being unable to squeeze his whole head and jaws into a passage "five feet high, and three may walk abreast". Questions: 10 | Attempts: 35467 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question In the process, however, he wakes up a rather annoyed Smaug who has just realized that the one being capable of stealing his heart is a pint-sized not-dwarf whose claim to fame is riding in barrels. Realms [8], From 1925 to 1945, Tolkien was a professor of English Literature at Oxford University. Additionally, when Gandalf visits Bag End, he picks up the old map of the Lonely Mountain from Bilbo's desk, which has an illustration of Smaug on it. Check out our award-winning product, Clever IDM and ask us about MFA for students and staff coming soon. Bilbo gathers information about Smaug and his one vulnerability under his side where jewels do not protect him; he later tells the Dwarves about what he discovered. Bilbo Baggins does follow the journey, when Gandalf arrives and tell Bilbo of an adventure that he is planning, and ask Bilbo to go with him and help thirteen Dwarves regain treasure that was stolen from them by a dragon named Smaug. Smaug: I am almost tempted to let you take it. What is smaugs clever question in chapter 12. Wagah Border divides which two countries? Only small parts of him are glimpsed throughout the film: his legs, tail, a small part of his head, and his wings as he flies over Dale, and his eye when he is sleeping in his mound of treasure, in the final scene. This lights new hope inside her to be able to help the person she has begun to care deeply about. More books than SparkNotes. Smaug (/sma/[T 1]) is a dragon and the main antagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit, his treasure and the mountain he lives in being the goal of the quest. 'Look!' Smaug then spots Bilbo's eye on the jewel and claims that he is almost tempted to let him take it, only to let it consume Thorin to madness just like it did Thrr. After Smaug realizes a piece of treasure missing he becomes enraged and torches the mountainside and devours or scatters the group's ponies. They reveal themselves to Smaug, initiating a perilous game of cat-and-mouse through the halls of the mountain, doing everything in their power to encumber the pursuing dragon as they race towards the entrance to the Lonely Mountain. Smaug in the movie was somehow aware of Black Arrows with their proper noun. This to hear pains Bilbo but although he cannot accept it as the fact it is the truth nonetheless. Smaug announces to a terrified Bilbo Baggins in both the book and the recent movie. During their conversation, Bilbo then tries to lie to Smaug by claiming that he is no more than a simple traveler who came to the mountain alone to see the dragon, as he didn't believe the tales about him. Powerful and fearsome, he invaded the Dwarf kingdom of Erebor 150 years prior to the events described in the novel. Smaug is voiced and interpreted with performance capture by Benedict Cumberbatch in Peter Jackson's three part adaptation of The Hobbit. Smaug's body, upon falling to the water, lands on Lake-town's corrupt master, killing him. Now, it seems, the responsibility will be Legolas alone, as she looks concerned with Kilis suffering. Who has zero filter between their brain and mouth? Bilbo's Command: (saves them again) f. 7. Death What does Bilbo take from the hoard? Staggering!' Smaug hardly believes him but asks Bilbo what also did he claim to be and the Hobbit answered that he is the "luck-wearer", "riddle-maker", and "barrel-rider". The dragon stumbles, knocking Bard and Bain off their perch, before flying back up. In the second film, his fire is similar to a more typical fire, flamethrower-like, with immense firepower, enough to engulf his whole body. Bilbo, having already heard the very real possibility of Thorin contracting the same sickness, doubts his success in stealing that particular jewel. Smaug "arose and without warning came against King Thrr and descended on the mountain in flames". Smaug in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug He sent you in here for the Arkenstone, didnt he?, Bilbo: No. The dwarves are stymied about what to do next, as they can neither leave nor dispose of Smaug.. . Smaug was voiced and interpreted with performance capture by Benedict Cumberbatch in Peter Jackson's three-part adaptation of The Hobbit. ", "You may indeed! Smaug is amused by Bilbo's knowledge of who he is, and begins his conversation with the Hobbit in order to deduce his origins. These indicate that Smaug in the movies ranged from 130 to 152 meters in length and from 120 to more than 140 meters in width. Fire Death Acid Ice Bilbo spots a flaw in which of Smaug's body. Oakenshields quest will fail. Come.. under an overhanging bolder. [34] In 2015, a new species of shield bug was named Planois smaug, because of its size and its status "sleeping" in the researcher's collections for about 60 years until it was discovered. Death of Smaug was used for the cover of a UK paperback edition of The Hobbit. As he speaks of this darkness, the scene of Dol Guldur passes with the sight of Gandalf swinging in a cage and the army of Orcs leaving its cesspits. ', 'Yes, it is rare and wonderful, indeed', said Smaug absurdly pleased. She had made an impassioned speech about their place in the world and their responsibility to fight the evil that has begun to take hold. [T 7] He described the poem as one of his "most valued sources" for The Hobbit. However, while examining the dragon, Bilbo noticed a single bare patch on the monster's left breast, nearest his heart. In The Lord of the Rings, the Dwarves of Middle-earth are known to value wealth above all else, and the treasure trove of Erebor was no exception. No blade can pierce me. Even after his death, Smaug's influence is felt throughout the movie. they scramble down the mountain and hide along the riverbank. ", "Dazzlingly marvellous! However, unbeknownst to him, his armor was still imperfect; there remained a spot on his left breast "as bare as a snail out of its shell."[7]. [2] Commentators have noted Smaug's devious, vain, and proud character,[3] and his aggressively polite way of speaking, like the British upper class.[4]. He spent his days within the mountain lying atop his great treasure hoard, which he guarded jealously. And so do burglars," he added as a parting shot, as he darted back and fled up the tunnel. Luckily the whole head and jaws could not squeeze in, but the nostrils sent forth fire and vapour to pursue him, and he was nearly overcome, and stumbled blindly on in great pain and fear. Smaug's only motivation was his greed. Likewise, since most of Lake-town consist of wood as opposed to the stone buildings of Dale, Smaug wouldn't need to rely on his flames to cause destruction, but just watch it spread. But what does he call his breath? Thorins madness is beginning to take shape and with it his ability to govern with reasonable decisions. When Frodo jokingly tells Gandalf that the other hobbits have officially labelled him a "disturber of the peace", Gandalf responds with "if you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved". Eyes Red He was a prominent scholar of the Old English poem Beowulf, on which he gave a lecture at the British Academy in 1936. Yes, it is rare and wonderful, indeed," said Smaug absurdly pleased. He loved gold more than anything and was incredibly possessive over it. He was drawn to the enormous wealth amassed by the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain during King Thrr's reign. What reason did Thorin have to think that molten gold would kill him, or even hurt him a little? "Look!" Required fields are marked *. Cumberbatch aimed for Smaug's voice to be "that bridge between animal and human, something guttural, deep and rasped, kind of dry as well because of all the fire breathing." Correctly believing that the Dwarves had received assistance from the men of Lake-town in entering the Lonely Mountain, Smaug left the mountain to wreak destruction upon Lake-town, nearly destroying it before being slain by Bard the Bowman. Meanwhile, in Lake-town, Bard awakens in jail disoriented and panicky as to what may come. [26], In The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Smaug attacks Lake-town. Smaug's Clever Question. Though Bilbo still tries to deny any involvement with Dwarves, Smaug is intelligent enough to know better. TA 2770-TA 2941 (171 years) However, Smaug survives the scalding gold and erupts from the molten pool, roaring that he will show the Dwarves what revenge really is. [T 2], Critics have identified close parallels with what they presume are sources of Tolkien's inspiration, including the dragon in Beowulf, who is provoked by the stealing of a precious cup, and the speaking dragon Fafnir, who proposes a betrayal to Sigurd. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Liked it? Smaug is determined to convey the reality of Bilbos situation to Bilbo himself. [13], John Garth, writing in The Guardian, notes the similarity between Smaug's death from Bard's last arrow and the death of Megissogwon in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 1855 poem The Song of Hiawatha. What was baseball's first champion and its first dynasty? In Dalish, the language of Dale, the name of Smaug is 'Trgu'. He did not know that the hobbit had already caught a glimpse of his peculiar under-covering on his previous visit, and was itching for a closer view for reasons of his own. This is desolation referring not to an action, but to the thing resulting from that action "a desolate place; a dreary waste or ruin," in the words of the OED. Smaug's size comparison with a Boeing 747, In the film adaptations, Smaug dramatically increased in size. Smaug's Clever Question 8 Bilbo's Discovery 9 Bilbo's Mistakes 10 5. It was changed for both subsequent films and also the first film's Extended Edition, where the dragon has four limbs (two hind legs, and two bat-like forelimbs which act as legs/arms for crawling and as his wings); each of Smaug's winged forelimbs possessed six digits in total; a thumb, two taloned fingers separated from the wing membrane, and three long phalanges joined together by a bat-like wing membrane to form his wings. Smaug will no longer be a prisoner in his own lair but the whole of Middle-Earth will become his lair soon enough. With this invaluable information, he escaped the dragon's lair and returned to the Dwarves, sharing his discovery of Smaug's weakness with them, unaware that he was overheard by a thrush, who carried the secret to Bard the Bowman in nearby Lake-town. My claws are spears. [T 5], Still enraged, Smaug flew south to Laketown and set about destroying it. The Dwarven kingdom held so much gold that it attracted the wrath of the dragon Smaug, who claimed it all for himself and held more wealth than any other living being in Middle-earth.However, one common point of contention amongst J. R. R. Tolkien . Not having found him in Bards house, Bolg deduces that he had probably reached the mountain already. Unsuccessful, he returned to his hoard to lie in wait. It is later revealed that Smaug's attack on Erebor was all part of Sauron's design, meaning that Smaug and Sauron were in league with each other. What are they? In addition, his encyclopaedic knowledge of his hoard is shown to be so great that he managed to feel the One Ring carried by Bilbo, describing it as "something made of gold, but far more precious". Apparently, dragons came from eggs. Smaug was considered the highlight of the second film of the series. In T.A. We have over 10 years of excellence with secure data managementand the pledges, certifications, and compliance programs in place to prove it. Smaug is a dragon because, in the world that he invented, Tolkien called Smaug a dragon. ", "naked hate-dragon, flying by night,wreathed in fire", "the one who on high heath / hoard watchedsteep stone-barrow / the path up to itunknown to any. In original concepts, Smaug was supposed to be more menacing and wicked, more gigantic, and more serpentine than in the actual movie, and these changes were made to make his character more 'special' to create "a character than a monster". Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit trilogy) The Black Arrow found its mark., Bilbo: I was just saying your reputation precedes you, O Smaug the Tyrannical. Well, possibly a bit shorter. Those clever enough to avoid the spell never give direct information, but talked vaguely in riddles, since plainly refusing an answer would invite an immediate attack. Upon realizing the dragon is blocking their only path out of the mountain, the Dwarves hatch a desperate plan to lead Smaug to the Lonely Mountain's forges in hopes that they can trick him into rekindling the smelting vats with his fire breath. A share of the treasure? sue grey's proper inquiry. Smaug was "the greatest of the dragons of his day", already centuries old at the time he was first recorded. He speaks in fact with the characteristic aggressive politeness of the British upper class, in which irritation and authority are in direct proportion to apparent deference or uncertainty. Tolkien. Smaug is described as a red-golden dragon, with bat-like wings and a huge tail. Later on, Smaug tries to break Bilbo's friendship with Thorin by lying to him, claiming that the Dwarf is using him and finds his fate worth nothing, but the Hobbit refuses to believe him. Aside from the damage he inflicted on Lake-town, driving the residents to try and stay in Dale, as Thorin falls under the influence of the dragon sickness, Bilbo begins to hear him speak in Smaug's voice, and Thorin experiences a hallucination of Smaug while walking on the golden floor that they created while trying to 'drown' the dragon. Lonely Mountain To the point even the RPG basically says Smaug is Ancalagon's son, one of them, and the biggest of the two kids Ancalagon had. Watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad. Knowing that his soft underbelly was his weakness, he had spent many years sleeping on his hoard, causing a crust of gold and jewels to stick to his belly. The Dwarves still wait outside the door of Erebor. Should the Dragon have survived its attack upon Lake-town, then the Dark Lord would have used him to devastating effect against the Free Peoples in the North. 3. November 1,TA 2941[1] Smaug was a huge and strong adult dragon with physical strength that let him to shatter stones easily, as demonstrated by his assault on the Lonely Mountain. ho7d engine specifications. Examples Of Bilbo In The Hobbit. [37], Jeff Thompson drew illustrations of Megissogwon's wampum shirt deflecting arrows for, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays, "Tolkien's death of Smaug: American inspiration revealed", "Tolkien and Iceland: The Philology of Envy", "JRR Tolkien artwork on display for first time", "In Focus: The hand-drawn maps from which JRR Tolkien launched Middle-earth", "The Hobbit or There and Back Again by Tolkien, J.R.R. While Smaug revels in his psychopathic, narcissistic rant, Bilbo notices the missing scale under the left-wing just as Bain had told in his story of the day the dragon came. He takes much more pleasure in psychologically tormenting Bilbo, making suggestions that Thorin was just using him, that flattery wouldn't keep him alive, choosing to spare Bilbo so that he can watch Lake-town burn and showing pleasure that Bilbo cares about the people of Lake-town, telling him that their deaths would be on his head, and sarcastically asking him how he would like to die. I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. Smaug knew his treasure so well & he knew his cup had been taken. As Smaug nears Bilbo to breathe fire upon him, Bilbo puts on the Ring and escapes the treasure hoard. 30 seconds. Knowing the contents of the treasure hoard to the ounce, Smaug quickly realized the cup's absence upon awakening and searched for the thief on the Mountain. "I fear that dragon in my marrow. It is unclear whether Smaug, the largest specimen in the Third Age, would compete in mightiness to his ancestors of average size in the First Age, though he was clearly smaller than Ancalagon, the largest known dragon to have existed. Smaug: Dont bother denying it. Tauriel. ', Tolkien made Smaug "more villain than monster", writes the author and biographer Lynnette Porter; he is "devious and clever, vain and greedy, overly confident and proud. His large size is shown to grant him practically incalculable brute strength, sufficient for him to easily break through the mountain. Smaug lands, and looks towards Bard, sneering at his attempts to stop him. Highly intelligent, Smaug appears to possess a rather sardonic sense of humor, darkly mocking Bilbo while they converse within the Lonely Mountain's treasure chamber. Where there was screaming and rumbling now is silence. And to satisfy their curiosity, you will need the best books for 11- to 12-year-olds. 'My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death! [35][36] An ant species has been named Tetramorium smaug. Bilbo quotes two of his father's sayings. Bilbo sees Smaug's diamond-crusted underbelly has a hole in the chest, a weak spot. A group of thirteen dwarves mounted a quest to take the kingdom back, aided by the wizard Gandalf and the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. In pre-publishing comments by Joe Letteri, the Oscar winning VFX supervisor from Weta Digital, Smaug was said to be "twice as big as a Boeing 747", indicating each wing could be more than 60 to 70 meters in width[11]. The darkness is coming. Not sure on the best way to go about it, Smaug tentatively licked between his talons and then twisted his neck down under his belly to get at the more difficult-to-reach parts. . "Well, I really must not detain Your Magnificence any longer," he said, "or keep you from much needed rest. With the bell tower now half-destroyed, Bard is forced to make a makeshift crossbow using a rope that held the bell, some pieces of broken wood, and Bain as a stand. as he soars towards the unsuspecting town, leaving Bilbo and the others dumbstruck at the horror they have unleashed. Tolkien)", "The Hobbit: The 1977 Animated Television Movie", "Benedict Cumberbatch To Voice Smaug in 'The Hobbit', "Five things to know about scaly 'Hobbit' star Smaug", "Benedict Cumberbatch's career in pictures: from Hawking to The Child in Time", "What Happened To Smaug's Other Legs? The dragon was created with "keyframe" animation, meaning it was animated by hand, in addition to Cumberbatch's motion capture performance. In Chapter Twelve, entitled "Inside Information," of The Hobbit, Bilbo shows great cleverness when he plays to Smaug's pride by flattering the dragon to trick him into revealing his weakness.. If his friend is going to be influenced by this jewel in a very negative way, then it is only logical to Bilbo not to present it to him thereby changing his fate. During the conversation between Smaug and Bilbo, Bilbo calls him several names and epithets, such as Smaug the: Smaug's actual size is unknown as it is never explicitly mentioned in The Hobbit, and illustrations by Tolkien, Alan Lee, and John Howe greatly vary in size in each portrait while the size of the front gate of the Dwarven kingdom in illustrations seems similar to what was depicted in the live action films. In chapter 12 what the trick question smaug asked bibo. It includes a He heard rumours of the great wealth of the Dwarf-kingdom of Erebor, which had a prosperous trade with the Northmen of Dale. Even a tank could hit him. Unknown It was an unfortunate remark, for the dragon spouted terrific flames after him, and fast though he sped up the slope, he had not gone nearly far enough to be comfortable before the ghastly head of Smaug was thrust against the opening behind. It is possible that his breath in the second movie was normal fire because his priority was to kill the intruders, and not to cause destruction, and to protect his treasures as well as not risk having the mountain fall down on him. Why did Smaug go into a rage upon awakening? Smaug's tail can cause rockslides so maybe a clever cave-in could beat the bigger dragon, but this claustrophobic environment also helps Balerion. Obtenir des directions. holes chapter questions and answers for students. "What do you say to that? In the town lives a man named Bard.He is a descendant of Girion, who long ago was the Lord of Dale, before Smaug destroyed it. "It's refreshingly direct," Percy said with a faint smile. What's your worst example of procrastination? Visually, Smaug is shown to glow with red light from within when he is about to unleash his fiery breath, with the same red light emanating from his eyes, only dimming at the moment of the dragon's death. He is killed by Bard with a black arrow and his body falls on the boat carrying the fleeing Master of Lake-town. Love of books is the best of all." -Jacqueline Kennedy A middle grader's mind is filled with a lot of questions. No. The dragon rolled over. Gandalf wanted Smaug to be destroyed before the War of the Ring began, because, had Smaug allied with Sauron, it would have meant almost certain ruin for the Free Peoples; the forces of. 'Your information is antiquated', he snapped. The rest of the Orc pack are summoned by Bolg to regroup and chase after the Dwarf who is their primary target, Thorin Oakenshield. My wings are a hurricane., Bilbo: So it is true. Built-in security. he said to himself. He is a creature that is made for the heat. Smaug was the greatest fire-breathing dragon of the Third Age. Urulk; fire-drake[2] Continue Reading 107 Matt Jennings It is possible, but not verified by Tolkien, that Smaug was born in the Third Age and was from Withered Heath, like other dragons in those days, for several reasons: Although Smaug makes no appearance in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he is indirectly mentioned by Gandalf during his conversation with Frodo near the beginning of the The Fellowship of the Ring. Culture The One Wiki to Rule Them All is a FANDOM Movies Community. He will be the one creature army capable of inflicting damage from the air as well as on the ground. Smaug fancies himself impenetrable, untouchable so for a small inconsequential person to notice a flaw in his armor is a direct assault on his vulnerability and ego. . When the hobbit returned a second time, Smaug was already expecting him by feigning sleep, and immediately declared that he could sense the thief even if he could not see him. He breathes fire. Bilbo, the company's appointed "burglar," was sent into the treasure chamber alone in an attempt to stealthily gather information and steal what he can without waking Smaug. "Sort of like an Auror. The same trait happened with Gollum as well[15]. How comfortable are you speaking in front of large groups of people? The first ever illustrated paperback of part one of Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, featuring 19 colour paintings by Alan Lee. Girion Lord of Dale is dead, and I have eaten his people like a wolf among sheep, and where are his sons' sons that dare approach me? Ponies take some catching, I believe, after a long start. [7], The Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey notes the "bewilderment" that Smaug spreads: he is enchanted by gold and treasure, and those who come into contact with his powerful presence, what Tolkien describes as "the effect that dragon-talk has on the inexperienced", similarly become bewildered by greed.

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