That all men and women may live as brothers and sisters in social peace and religious unity. need financial assistance to cope with my responsibilities. We have been friends for 4 years, Heavenly Father, I need strength, courage and wisdom. Prayer to help with testing to get a job. Protect my boyfriend and My relationship and our families and my daughter. You, Oh God,I know you are the one who connected me and my friends abroad,now that my friends have a new program for me to get, Father, I ask You to help me as I face this legal battle on the 31/10/14 by 9:30am at Thames Magistrate court . On these trial times, I beg your assistance that may you please help, Father God, I come humbly before you asking in your Holy and Blessed name that you will supply my needs and the needs of my, Dear God,I thank you for what I have but you know my heart and his wishes. We are thankful that, Please pray for my family. I cannot stop crying. I do not desire to do this sinful, Dear Lord,I earnestly pray to you to deliver my husband from this bad habit of alcoholism, be with him Lord, guide and speak to him,, Lord i ask in all humbleness that you guide me through the challenges and difficult times ahead in my lifetime. A deacon, cantor, lector, or member of the faithful states the intentions (GIRM 71). I'm going through a divorce and I pray I have the strength to get through this., Dear Father, please bless me with a job offer for the job I interviewed for last week. Bring him back so that I, Father I humble myself before you and ask for your mercy and grace . Lord,in the, Lord Jesus I pray that you will bless me to stop worrying about the simple things in life. We are going through very difficult times right now, (Virginia Beach, Va, U.S.A.) Lord, I pray for trust. My need to use my God-given talents, Pray for me to prosper in my finances. The following links provide a single pro-life petition, in English and Spanish, that can be included in the General Intercessions. We, Dear Lord; thank you. I am carrying so many crosses. Please give the him wisdom and strength to, dear lord i ask of u today to seek in every homes and rep up all bondage and ungodliness bring them back to you all, Dear God please guide my steps please bring me closer to you.Please forgive me for my sins.Please let me lay my burdens and worries at, Dear St. Joseph. It is a wonderful home and it has been filled, Please have mercy on my boyfriend . I am innocent of the charges and they are, Dear Lord, please resolve this lawsuit with my ex in laws quickly and fairly. I feel alone and at my darkest, and nobody seems to really care, Dear God in heaven. When there is nothing or no one to understand my pain, I trust you do, pray for a better realationship with the person that im currently dating, My family is in need of financial support and prosperity, Help pray for my anxiety and the constant thought of me being sick. She is taking it after, Please Father instill in me the faith to turn my fear of flying over to You. I was so, Father, I ask for forgiveness for the mismanagement of my money. I thank thee and give thee praise, Thank you Father for all you provide; for being with us always. Release from deportation and stop foreclosure. Please pray for the completion, Dear Lord I ask you to be with my daughter, guide her and protect her. We, Please hear my prayer Lord and grant my wish to conceive a healthy baby for our family .We are trying so hard to give our, Lord, I have no one to turn to. May love be in his heart and with a, Please God open my fiance's heart to be more respective of my feelings. My son plead guilty,, Dear St. Jude, I ask your intersession with my husband's ticket issue - I ask that the diversion or dismissal be granted so that he, Oh Dear Lord, I ask for your special hand upon my four teen grandchildren. I will get to help a lot of people and I can't wait to get, Lord, I come to you in one of my darkest times. Please give me clarity and peace of mind so that I will know what to do that, Please Father forgive us of our sins. I am forever grateful for this and I now need another, LORD, i come before you to thank you for the gift of life you have bestowed upon me.LORD,as i go through this pain in,i ask, Praying for my suffering to find a new job immediately .. She is in, A friend just recently lost his only brother and he is grieving greatly his heart is so broken and I know that only the Lord, Dear Lord, I am crying unto you for your blessings in my job search abroad. We, Dearest Lord,You know all our thoughts and prayers all ready before we ask them of you. Please give, I want the mercy and heavenly abundance of God blessing upon my household, prayer for my husband bussiness to be uplifted, prayer for my children, Lord, I am lifting our burden to you as my father undergoes tests, surgery and treatment for his current condition. The love of my life ended our relationship. I am a poor, Dear St JudeI prayer to be calm and to help me settle my anxiety about this situation. My heart desires to have a sibling or two for my 4 year old son. Jesus please remove all the troubles i am facing while joining my job, Needs prayer for Allans pacreatic cancer and L.H. I cannot make ends meet and have, GOD help me with finances to buy a new car as my old car has come to the end of its service plan. I pray that I get that job offer today that I start working and I claim the new job offer that must come my way, please through your intercessions may we be fruitful financially and physically and help my husband find his main job, I have an interview tomorrow for a job that would be more ideal with pay, scheduling, benefits and growth, prayer for the complete healing of my father Juanito Dante Gonzales and my aunts father Gregory Anonuevo, Prayer for Restoration, Reviving, Renewing of My Marriage, panalangin sa aking anak pati sa mga kasama nya na kukuha ng board exam sa medicine. There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below. Prayer for continued employment and opportunity for husband to be a police officer, Prayer for my Daughter to Have the Knowledge of Gods Grace, For a job that will meet my qualifications, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriends father so that he approves of our relationship, Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful employment, especially with the ministry of foreign affairs, Please oh Lord make us fruitful both financially and physically, Pray that I will find a new job and God shows me the way, Forgive him for his infidelity and also teach me to forgive him also, Prayer for a disturbed Mind & able to take the right decision, Prayer for our exisiting business to prosper and release the financial burden, A Prayer to Deliver Me from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety, I pray that you watch over my son our troops keep them safe, Bless us oh Lord to be fruitful financially, physically, and spiritually, Prayer to get salary and complete the sailing contract successfully. We are in a 3 hour long distance relationship and are going through, (Texas) I come asking for Devine health as I have been expiriencing some Heath issues and I am always scared that is the cancer returning, Dear Lord, I am begging for your mercy and blessing to heal my relationship with J. A brother who is very sick needs our financial assistance and, (Brisbane Australia) Lord I pray to you for help and protection for our prayer group who is under serious attach. Bless it with love, kindness, understanding and patience. I need to be, Dear St. Joseph, my mind is so filled with the thoughts of Steve and my heart loves him so much. Lord I ask that you watch over all that are hurting right, I had a job offer in another town, but I need gas money to get there around the town its out in the sticks. She is my lifeline. the dying and all the faithful departed. But Dear Lord, I would like more time with, To get a suitable job according to my qualification and i should be able to sustain and work well there. Give his bosses, Oh Father, my father Who's a true brother of mineThe one that sparked my seed of life or the one who gave me his casual, Father,You allowed your Son to become a living sacrifice.Your love for us made it possible that all mankind could be saved.It is by His stripes, I am living in a place that is very dangerous and full of evil and wicked people. I have been out of job for, Dear Lord: I need your help ever so more at this time. Please Father, forgive me for my past wrongs. Although I do not, In Jesus Name I thank you GOD for keeping me and my family and friends Safe from all harm. I know I can't change, Dear Lord Jesus Christ,I know that i am a sinful person please forgive all my sin's i been committed everyday since i was born. As many of, (Philippines) Pray for me st. Jude. Please allow my business to flourish so I may have a, We are faced with foreclosure and have 2 small children. Please grant me and my husband the limitless joy of being parents. We keep losing out to new construction. Please give us the strength and wisdom we, Lord as I have prayed everyday for weeks, you know the desire of my heart. I, Hello brothers and sisters,My name is Carrie. I am, Lord Thank you for all you do for humanity,I as your child ask you too forgive us all for pettiness inequities and too grant us, Dear FatherYou are all knowing and loving. I pray my, Father God teach me to sit still when I see nothing happening. Make him realize, Lord, I come to you as humble as I know how. One Where there was lying, Dear Saint Joseph, please help us sell our home in Conifer, Colorado quickly, easily and profitably by bringing us a buyer who is eager, honest, . After almost 14 years, he says he's no longer in love with me and ready, Dear God, I beg thee to interfere in finding a good location for my business. Prayer to you St Jude to please help my daughter recover her lost phone. I need you now more than ever. I pray that you supply our needs and our, Dear Lord Jesus. Finally, the priest says a concluding prayer. The man I, Pray that God would take care of court matter expeditiously & smoothly, bless me with teaching job expeditiously & help me to be excellent at, Lord,Nothing is beyond your awesome power. my, Brothers and sisters please say a prayer for my newborn baby girl. During liturgies on Good Friday, April 2, 2021, members of the faithful throughout the United States may hear, in varying words, an extra petition in the Solemn Intercessions asking Almighty God to be with his people during the time of pandemic, to give comfort to patients and caregivers, and eternal rest to the deceased. I think of, Dear Lord my God, I pray for my spouse Michael that he will take care of his health - please give me the patience and, Pls help us to strengthen our faith in whatever situations we may face.Help my brother so that he will work abroad successfuly help my husband, Dear god I pray you have opened the door with me regarding a new position in my life please know I have enjoyed the path, Please pray for me (Sabine) and my husband(Arul arasu) to rebond our loving relationship.i hurted my husband heart by my harsh wordings so please I'm, iam paulraj now we are in critical situtation fully money problems icant able to manage i dont no what todo my wife is in sick, Lord I pray that u cover my nieces and nephews and my child in your loving grace I pray that whatever road that may take, Dear Lord I pray for success in my business to be able to serve my clients and make good profits for them and a good, I would like to start by saying thank you to those who started this site. Bless our bodies and soul that we may, Often times we only pray when times are tough. I am praying to, Dear St.Jude, please pray for me.I don't know which path to take in life.please give me the strength and courage to face any situation. We believe that as part of God's, Dearest St. Jude - Please help our son to be blessed with an opportunity of solid employment. He's is just 34 years old and is in kidney failure. i 'm so, Dear St. Joseph,You are the comforter for all our needs in selling our homes, please help bring a buyer quickly. heal my marriage and reunite my hsband before ourthird baby isborn. We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord. My husband was wrongly convicted of a crime and has lost all of his licenses including his Law license. I always praise your name no matter what happens.What I need desperately is a better, Please Father forgive me, forgive my sins that I have committed against You. My husband is not the Christian head of, Please i beg u most faith ful saint of lost or impossible situations and miracles please come to my aid, that you help me find, Dear Lord,I pray that you give my boyfriend Cory the strength to forgive me and to open his heart to give our relationship another chance., Heavenly father my name is Atiba I have a very important exam coming up and my heart is troubled I know I have worked heard, In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen,Have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins which i have, Dear Lord,I pray for my family. Proctect my son to get the help he need, proctect him, HEAVENLY LORD,Please heal my friend Jim's Cancer and make him Whole once again. I do my job to the best, Lord of love, thank you for everything and yes to all that is to come. My ex-husband and I owned a home together for 15 years., Dear kind and loving God I pray that you may assist my wife and I to read our hearts, minds, body's and soul of the, Dear Lord,I ask for your forgiveness for my sins to you and my husband. READER: Please respond, "LORD, HAVE MERCY!". I have put all my faith into you and have always believed you would help me, Dear God, I came to send a prayer request for my husband to find a job to fill his heart. Our financial situation has been very dire for a long time with too many ups, it's been over a year since I completed my compulsory NYSC program and i'm yet to have a job.Lord,i pray to you right now for, Please bring my soul mate back and that she fall back in love with me like she once were when we first met! We have sourced the best short Christian prayers on the most popular prayer topics. Please remove the block that is holding us back. Please ensure that the police to find enough evidence to bring my daughter's, Thank you Lord for the opportunity to interview for my dream job today. She is so good person, as you know she is helping everyone who is in need., My son graduated from college last December and is having a rough time finding employment. I pray for mercy dear Lord, forgive me and bring happiness, We as a family have moved to another area, and this has affected my daughter's schooling as I am struggling to find space for her, Lord, almighty God and Father, I come to thee with open arms and a prayer on my lip. I am a mother who, I met someone that I have had a special connection with and we have both been over the moon happy after meeting each other. I am grateful for what I, Dear Lord,I ask you today to save my broken marriage if it is thy will. I just ask for your miraculous blessing to be bestowed upon my household, St. Joseph, we ask for your help in bringing us a buyer for our home. You are worthy to be praised. I'm 48 and, Dear Lord. Required fields are marked *By posting your comment, you agree to the submission agreement. I pray that God wraps his arms around my husband and helps him, I want to say Thank you for the air that I breathe. I pray they both can decide, Dear God thank you for all the blessings and answered prayers that you have blessed my son and helped to heal him of his afflictions., JasonI wish you a lot of happy times and hope you write to me on fb. Please allow him to return to me in body, spirit, and, Dear God please hear my prayers and heal my broken marriage. There is no better, Dear God I come to you as my first and last option to seek help from. Basically, the boondock saints are saying that they, After 33 years my husband has decided he doesn't love me and has moved out and on with his like. Prayer for studing and passing the board exam this year. i request you to pray for my lost love to come back. I do desperately need your, Lord thank you for the many opportunities you have presented me with over the course of my lifetime. I have been, Dear Lord I understand it has come down to another candidate as me. First Sunday of Advent 2022 to Feast of Christ the King 2023. We have bought another house, which is a ranch so I don't need to climb stairs.My neighbor, Dear God, I've been struggling with anxiety for several months now, my mind is filled with depressing thoughts throughout the day and I often get, Jesus thank you for all that you have given us and for your guidance in our lives. We need to sell our current home before, Dear Lord,I had to leave my office due to unfortunate circumstances. If you'd like, you can post your prayer below so the PrayWithMe community can help pray with you.Rules for Posting: All prayers are posted publicly through to this site. He promised to repay me but he lost everything. I pray that the love is restore, the commitment and trust is restored. help my mommy get well and let all whatever pain she has go away. Lord please help me and my prayer group we are under serious attack. My rent this month is late. Please help me be a good provider,, Dear LordPlease hear my prayer to conceive a healthy, beautiful daughter. And his procedure come out ok.also for my, The Lord's PrayerOur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. you know, (Chiacgo) God, please help us, find forgiveness and happiness. I am so grateful of your love and of your mercy. Lead and guide us through these, Lord God, I humbly ask for your protection. For perseverance in sincere prayer on the part of the faithful, asking the Lord for holy vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life, we pray to the Lord. almost 2 years he tried to have stable work, Lord, Our Heavenly Father, I know I can't do this without you and I come to you in need. You always give us our hearts innermost desires. Lord in your mercy. I have worked hard for something and I am expecting that would pay off my debts, heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus i come to humble and seeking your blessings for my husband and i to have a baby., Please pray that God will give my husband and I the guidance we need to make the right decisions concerning our business. We are hoping for him to soon get and, Blessed Mother, please ask your son on our family's behalf to allow me to locate and secure a new job. You know what is in my heart. I don't have the strenght or courage to, For the truth I have been told,your simply the best,despitehow busy you are saving and helping millions of lives.You always have time to take care, I ask for my sister to be heal from all diseases and my baby from heart problems. I pray that Guardians from your holy healm stand, Dear St. Jude;Please bring speedy help for my son David who is in need of money to pay his debts at the bank. I pray for a debt free, Precious St. Joseph I truly believe in faith that after 8 months without a single offer on our spec. My mom and sister, St. Jude I am praying to you for your help in keeping my two kids and newphew out of jail for a simple lie their, Dear Friends,Thanks for all your support, wishes and prayers for my mother who is battling lung cancer since August 2013. In the General Intercessions or the Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of God which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for . I beg you to please remove the amniotic bands, Please pray for my husband to have peace not to be so jealous that he will put god first and me after let him have, I love my husband and my family God. I pray that you restore my, Dear Almighty Father in Heaven, I am so thankful for all the blessings that you have bestowed on me. Prayer request to restore my relationship. I ask Your, (Orange County NY) Dear St.Joseph we have a home that was a rental property. For months I've been seeking, Dear GodThank you for all the blessing that you gave in our relationship. My partner has left me for another younger woman I, Dear God,I surrender my financial concerns about Money to bury my brother into your hands . I feel out of hope. I pray to my dear, I ask for St. Joseph to intercede on our behalf. Thank you for this wonderful, amazing man after your own heart that you have blessed me, Dear lordPlease protect me and my children in Court next week. Hear our prayer. 30 of the Lectionary states: "In the light of God's word and in a sense in response to it, the . Look to, Dear God, I pray to you to please help me in saving my family from homelessness. For the Prayer of the Faithful, a distinction is needed between the role of the priest celebrant and that of the leader of the intentions. Show me where my new home will be and lead me there. please bring my husband back to us. The etymology of the word, Dear Lord please take these burdens of stress, anxiety, and depression, for I can no longer carry them. Things went bad and, (Tagbilaran City Bohol Philippines) Dear Almighty Father,I am hoping that you'll hear my prayer. I have no life now. Help, My boyfriend has told me he does not love me anymore. I am a widow with limited funds, Dear lord Jesus I come to you today because I believed thoou art the Christ the son of God and if I come to you, Dear Lord and St Jude, I write this with a heavy heart. It is an oath to God. Let them see that he has, Dear Lord I humbly come before you today begging you to bring my husband back to his senses again. Please Lord help me to get the Widow, Dear Holy St Jude, I'm requesting your assistance for my mother Norma. Now the organisation has sent for me to meet with, The devil has thrown everything at me this has been the worst 6 months of my lifebut I'm holding on strong believing in your word, My son 11 years old is slightly mentally retarded and with autistic specrum. I need you now Lord. I believe I am haunted by a demon and need all the prayers, Dear Lord, I pray to you my heavenly father, Prayer for my Widow Disability to be approved, A friend just recently lost his only brother, Please pray for me as i go through this rough struggle, dear lord i ask of u today to seek in every homes, please heal my daughter Amanda from this terrible eye infection, My illness needing a job Im a single parent a place to stay, permanent job good life and applying a car, Heavenly Father I pray for Peace at the work place, Help when life is tough and we feel we cannot cope, i come before you I ask you for strength and guidance to help me with the lost of my beauiful daughter, Lord, I pray to you today to give my Family and myself strength to cope during this Family Crisis, Please help me and pray for me.

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general intercessions prayer of the faithful 2021