[53] A civil lawsuit and sex scandal led to Clinton's impeachment in 1998, but he remained in office. Belly of the Beast Directors Cut spotlights these topics and so much more. Buell, Lawrence (Spring/Summer 2008). 1101(a)(36) and 8 U.S.C. After his election as president in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt responded with the New Deal, a range of policies increasing government intervention in the economy, including the establishment of the Social Security system. The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. Distinct units include the U.S. gallon and U.S. pint volume measurements. Estimates of Population Change for Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Rankings: July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2008", "Raleigh and Austin are Fastest-Growing Metro Areas", http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/population/cb09-45.html, "2010 Census National Summary File of Redistricting Data", http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_NSRD_GCTPL2.US24PR&prodType=table, "Figure A3. The Wright brothers, in 1903, made the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight. Excluding the Native Americans (popularly known as "American Indians"), who were being displaced, those thirteen colonies had a population of 2.6million in 1770, about one-third that of Britain; nearly one in five Americans were black slaves. [47] Allied conferences at Bretton Woods and Yalta outlined a new system of international organizations that placed the United States and Soviet Union at the center of world affairs. [186] African Americans are the nation's largest racial minority and third largest ancestry group. Congress. Thomas Edison's laboratory developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera. [153], The United States life expectancy of 78.4 years at birth ranks it 50th among 221 nations. At 4.8% of GDP, the rate was the second-highest among the top fifteen military spenders, after Saudi Arabia. 2023 American Patriot Social Video Platform. Spanish, spoken by 12% of the population at home, is the second most common language and the most widely taught second language. Dull, Jonathan R. (2003). [183] In fiscal year 2011, over 1 million immigrants (most of whom entered through family reunification) were granted legal residence. After Europeans began settling the Americas, many millions of indigenous Americans died from epidemics of imported diseases such as smallpox.[33]. [170][175], Though it has been abolished in most Western nations, capital punishment is sanctioned in the United States for certain federal and military crimes, and in thirty-four states. While neither has an official language, New Mexico has laws providing for the use of both English and Spanish, as Louisiana does for English and French. Most of Alaska is subarctic or polar. [101] Compared to Europe, U.S. property and corporate income tax rates are generally higher, while labor and, particularly, consumption tax rates are lower. [119] The top 1% possesses 33.4% of net wealth. [1] Including only land area, the United States is third in size behind Russia and China, just ahead of Canada. Marketing by U.S. industries is largely responsible for making orange juice and milk ubiquitous breakfast beverages. "Diplomacy of the Revolution, to 1783", p. 352, chap. The 2000 presidential election, one of the closest in American history, was resolved by a U.S. Supreme Court decisionGeorge W. Bush, son of George H. W. Bush, became president. Smeeding, T. M. (2005). William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway are often named among the most influential writers of the 20th century. "Obesity Epidemic", in. Major artistic movements such as the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning and the pop art of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein developed largely in the United States. [32] Some, such as the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture, developed advanced agriculture, grand architecture, and state-level societies. [82] Using purchasing power parity exchange rates, the overall median is similar to the most affluent cluster of developed nations. [111] However, income gains since then have been slower, less widely shared, and accompanied by increased economic insecurity. French fur traders established outposts of New France around the Great Lakes; France eventually claimed much of the North American interior, down to the Gulf of Mexico. [71] The extent of this global military presence has prompted some scholars to describe the United States as maintaining an "empire of bases". For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that . [6], American culture is considered the most individualistic in the world. In 1777, the Articles of Confederation established a weak confederal government that operated until 1789. The United States Department of Defense administers the armed forces, including the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Before he took office, seven slave states declared their secessionwhich the federal government maintained was illegaland formed the Confederate States of America. [230], The rhythmic and lyrical styles of African-American music have deeply influenced American music at large, distinguishing it from European traditions. During the American Civil War, West Virginia broke away from Virginia. Click on a coloured region to get related article: lez: vep:Amerikan htenzoittud Valdkundad, This article is about the United States of America. Baseball has been regarded as the national sport since the late 19th century, while American football is now by several measures the most popular spectator sport. Justen Faull, Wes Faull, Thomas R. Horn, Russ Dizdar, Carl Teichrib, Indigenous peoples descended from forebears who migrated from Asia have inhabited what is now the mainland United States for many thousands of years. [34] Beginning in 1614, the Dutch settled along the lower Hudson River, including New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island. <br><br>Before going independent he completed many circuits on the track with Need for Speed, then blasted off with Mass Effect 2, before going undercover with the Tom Clancy Franchise and played, created and shared with Sackboy on . Tensions between American colonials and the British during the revolutionary period of the 1760s and early 1770s led to the American Revolutionary War, fought from 1775 to 1781. His second term in office brought both the Iran-Contra scandal and significant diplomatic progress with the Soviet Union. The median ranged from $64,308 among Asian American households to $32,068 among African American households. [48] The United States, having developed the first nuclear weapons, used them on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August. Several insular territories grant official recognition to their native languages, along with English: Samoan and Chamorro are recognized by American Samoa and Guam, respectively; Carolinian and Chamorro are recognized by the Northern Mariana Islands; Spanish is an official language of Puerto Rico. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Key Development Forecasts for the United States, U.S. National Mottos: History and Constitutionality, African-American Civil Rights Movement (18961954), African-American Civil Rights Movement (19551968), Interpretation of "Separation of church and state", North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (CMC), Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, based on the 2011 U.S. Population Estimate. The United States of America (commonly abbreviated to the United States, the U.S., the USA, America, and the States) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. [26] Altogether, the government owns 28.8% of the country's land area. "British Convicts Shipped to American Colonies". The United States annexed the Republic of Texas in 1845, amid a period when the concept of Manifest Destiny was becoming popular. In 2007, several applications for new nuclear plants were filed. [44] In 1920, the women's rights movement won passage of a constitutional amendment granting women's suffrage. Almost all countries have embassies in Washington, D.C., and many have consulates around the country. Belly of the Beast Directors Cut spotlights these topics and so much more. [143] For decades, nuclear power has played a limited role relative to many other developed countries, in part due to public perception in the wake of a 1979 accident. [57] For elective offices at most levels, state-administered primary elections choose the major party nominees for subsequent general elections. After the war, the Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, which established the League of Nations. [1][152] The United Nations assigns the United States an Education Index of 0.97, tying it for 12th in the world. The study categorizes white evangelicals, 26.3% of the population, as the country's largest religious cohort;[206] another study estimates evangelicals of all races at 3035%. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The largest private employment sector is health care and social assistance, with 16.4 million people. Is the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? [89], In 2009, the private sector was estimated to constitute 86.4% of the economy, with federal government activity accounting for 4.3% and state and local government activity (including federal transfers) the remaining 9.3%. The Jimmy Carter administration of the late 1970s was marked by stagflation and the Iran hostage crisis. Since the general election of 1856, the major parties have been the Democratic Party, founded in 1824, and the Republican Party, founded in 1854. Americans listen to radio programming, also largely commercialized, on average just over two-and-a-half hours a day. Belly of the Beast: Director's Cut DVD'S available exclusively at https://www.fourthwatchfilms.comStream Belly of the Beast: Director's Cut right now at http. "American" is rarely used in English to refer to people not connected to the United States. [216] Mainstream American culture is a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of European immigrants with influences from many other sources, such as traditions brought by slaves from Africa. John Rawls and Robert Nozick led a revival of political philosophy. Eric Etheridge with Asger Deleith (August 19, 2009). [45] The Dust Bowl of the mid-1930s impoverished many farming communities and spurred a new wave of western migration. Playwright Eugene O'Neill won the Nobel literature prize in 1936; other acclaimed U.S. dramatists include multiple Pulitzer Prize winners Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee, and August Wilson. [207] Protestant denominations accounted for 51.3%, while Roman Catholicism, at 23.9%, was the largest individual denomination. The United States has operated under a two-party system for most of its history. Many states ban public funding of the procedure and restrict late-term abortions, require parental notification for minors, and mandate a waiting period. Health care coverage in the United States is a combination of public and private efforts, and is not universal as in all other developed countries. The election of Ronald Reagan as president in 1980 heralded a rightward shift in American politics, reflected in major changes in taxation and spending priorities. Required fields are marked *. By the 1870s, its national economy was the world's largest. [161] The World Health Organization ranked the U.S. health care system in 2000 as first in responsiveness, but 37th in overall performance. February 27, 2023 By restaurants on the water in st clair shores By restaurants on the water in st clair shores In C. Sturr and R. Vasudevan, eds. With Russ Dizdar, Justen Faull, Wes Faull, Thomas Horn. In response, the Bush administration launched the global War on Terror, invading Afghanistan and removing the Taliban government and al-Qaeda training camps. Belly of the Beast Director's Cut is a ground-breaking documentary film that presents the hidden history of the United States and its secret origins of the deep state that you've never seen or heard before, as well as decoding their present day conspiracies and the future prophecies to come. The supervolcano underlying Yellowstone National Park in the Rockies is the continent's largest volcanic feature. Tennis and many outdoor sports are popular as well. Spanish settlements in the region were followed by ones in the present-day southwestern United States that drew thousands through Mexico. Tap share icon (1)4. IBM, Apple Computer, and Microsoft refined and popularized the personal computer. [100] In 2009, the United States had the third highest labor productivity per person in the world, behind Luxembourg and Norway. [172] The current rate is about seven times the 1980 figure,[173] and over three times the figure in Poland, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) country with the next highest rate. Special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, participate as "Hong Kong, China" and "Macao China". Energy consumption per capita is 7.8tons of oil equivalent per year, the 10th highest rate in the world. Is the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? [20], The coastal plain of the Atlantic seaboard gives way further inland to deciduous forests and the rolling hills of the Piedmont. Director's Cut version released by Fourth Watch Films. [117] The top 1% pays 27.6% of all federal taxes, while the top 10% pays 54.7%. Is the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? [228] The four major broadcast networks are all commercial entities. American troops fought Communist Chinese forces in the Korean War of 195053. The standard way to refer to a citizen of the United States is as an "American". Although "United States" is the official appositional term, "American" and "U.S." are more commonly used to refer to the country adjectivally ("American values", "U.S.forces"). The states of the Northeast and West Coast and some of the Great Lakes states, known as "blue states", are relatively liberal. A series of U.S. military incursions into Florida led Spain to cede it and other Gulf Coast territory in 1819. After the British defeat by American forces assisted by the French and Spanish, Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States and the states' sovereignty over American territory west to the Mississippi River. [145], American public education is operated by state and local governments, regulated by the United States Department of Education through restrictions on federal grants. Kreisler, Harry, and Chalmers Johnson (2004-01-29). [5] Both Hawaiian and English are official languages in Hawaii by state law.[202]. After declining sharply during the middle of the 20th century, poverty rates have plateaued since the early 1970s, with 1115% of Americans below the poverty line every year, and 58.5% spending at least one year in poverty between the ages of 25 and 75. [3] Though larger than any other nation's, its national GDP is about 5% smaller than the GDP of the European Union at PPP in 2008. During World War II, the Manhattan Project developed nuclear weapons, ushering in the Atomic Age. The figure given is from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook. Between the late 1610s and the American Revolution, about 50,000 convicts were shipped to Britain's American colonies. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists ha Read allIs the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shroude. [105][116] The United States has a progressive tax system which equates to higher income earners paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes. The adventure includes a mysterious Bible thats bound in the testes of the Washington Monument, and where & why an underground obelisk awaits nearby; the entrance to a secret crypt in D.C. thats connected to the underworld; the origins of American Lucifer worship linked to the deep state; and for the first time ever revealed, the U.S. government-owned location where The Antichrist will likely be resurrected on American soil! [54] Forces led by the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, ousting Saddam Hussein. In the North, urbanization and an unprecedented influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe hastened the country's industrialization. DeNavas-Walt, Carmen, Bernadette D. Proctor, and Jessica Smith (August 2008). [186] White Americans are the largest racial group; German Americans, Irish Americans, and English Americans constitute three of the country's four largest ancestry groups. The Louisiana Purchase of French-claimed territory under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803 almost doubled the nation's size. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that would become the catalyst of the final world kingdom. Blewett, Lynn A. et al., LA (Dec 2006). [88] In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet, Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis, Summer of Soul (Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised), "A 90-day mission becomes a 15-year journey of opportunity. Retrieved January 5, 2010 (area given in square kilometers). The United States also possesses five major overseas territories: Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands in the Caribbean; and American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that would become the catalyst of the final world kingdom. [109] A 2007 UNICEF study of children's well-being in twenty-one industrialized nations ranked the United States next to last. [125] The country is the primary developer and grower of genetically modified food, representing half of the world's biotech crops. [232] A work seen as capturing fundamental aspects of the national experience and charactersuch as Herman Melville's Moby-Dick (1851), Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), and F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1925)may be dubbed the "Great American Novel".[233]. This globally sovereign empire would lead the entir See production, box office & company info, Hollow Earth Chronicles: Episode I - the Dark Chambers, The Great Delusion: The Second Coming of Earth's Oldest Enemy, The Chronicles of Hollow Earth: The Next Race. Although there is no official language at the federal level, some lawssuch as U.S. naturalization requirementsstandardize English. The president serves a four-year term and may be elected to the office no more than twice. ", http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2494/does-the-united-states-lead-the-world-in-prison-population, "Pew Report Finds More than One in 100 Adults are Behind Bars", http://web.archive.org/web/20080303025427/http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/news_room_detail.aspx?id=35912, http://web.archive.org/web/20070611192107/http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/tables/incrttab.htm, "World Prison Population List (8th edition)", http://www.prisonstudies.org/info/downloads/wppl-8th_41.pdf, "The Impact of the War on Drugs on U.S. Incarceration", http://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports/2000/usa/Rcedrg00-05.htm, "Executions in the United States in 2007", http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions-united-states-2007, http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/death-penalty-international-perspective#interexec, "Quinn Signs Death Penalty Ban, Commutes 15 Death Row Sentences to Life", http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/clout_st/2011/03/quinn-signs-death-penalty-ban-commutes-15-death-row-sentences-to-life.html, "Homeward Bound: Recent Immigration Enforcement and the Decline in the Illegal Alien Population", http://www.cis.org/articles/2008/back808.pdf, "Statistical Abstract of the United States", http://www.census.gov/prod/2005pubs/06statab/pop.pdf, "Executive Summary: A Population Perspective of the United States", http://web.archive.org/web/20070604165856/http://www.prcdc.org/summaries/uspopperspec/uspopperspec.html, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2054rank.html, "Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by Region and Country of Birth: Fiscal Years 1998 to 2007 (Table 3)", http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/publications/LPR07.shtm, http://www.census.gov/prod/2004pubs/c2kbr-35.pdf, "Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: 2010", http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-02.pdf, "B03001. Kenworthy, L. (1999). [92] The leading business field by gross business receipts is wholesale and retail trade; by net income it is manufacturing. The loss of the buffalo, a primary resource for the plains Indians, was an existential blow to many native cultures. One of the first major promoters of American theater was impresario P. T. Barnum, who began operating a lower Manhattan entertainment complex in 1841. The short form "United States" is also standard. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists ha Is the United States of America, by design, set to fulfill an ancient, esoteric prophecy, charted by mystics of ages past? VERY GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING), The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 The 14th Amendment, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government 2017 (Part 1). The adventure includes a mysterious Bible thats bound in the testes of the Washington Monument, and where and why an underground obelisk awaits nearby; the entrance to a secret crypt in D.C. thats connected to the underworld; the origins of American Lucifer worship linked to the deep state; and for the first time ever revealed, the U.S. government-owned location where The Antichrist will likely be resurrected on American soil. While most major U.S. sports have evolved out of European practices, volleyball, skateboarding, snowboarding, and cheerleading are American inventions. [162] In 2005, 46.6 million Americans, 15.9% of the population, were uninsured, 5.4 million more than in 2001. Retrieved March 25, 2008 (area given in square kilometers). You can see their full film here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/bobdc Or order here: https://www.fourthwatchfilms.com/Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. [50][51] He also signed into law the Medicare and Medicaid programs. [169] Gun ownership rights are the subject of contentious political debate. For thousands of years, mystery religions and diverse occultists have shrouded prophecies of a great continent of the Western Hemisphere that would become the catalyst of the final world kingdom. [144] The United States has 27% of global coal reserves. What is the English language plot outline for Belly of the Beast: Director's Cut (2020)? This globally sovereign empire would lead the entire world into an age of spiritual enlightenment, posturing itself as a true utopia while it ushers in a revival of ancient magick rites, as well as a return to the worship of old gods and goddesses. The Beat Generation writers opened up new literary approaches, as have postmodernist authors such as John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, and Don DeLillo. The Senate has 100 members with each state having two senators, elected at-large to six-year terms; one third of Senate seats are up for election every other year. [174] African American males are jailed at about six times the rate of white males and three times the rate of Hispanic males. Disputes between the agrarian South and industrial North over the expansion of the institution of slavery and states' rights provoked the Civil War of the 1860s. [36] Though subject to British taxation, the American colonials had no representation in the Parliament of Great Britain. [76] Approximately 90,000 U.S. troops were serving in Afghanistan as of April 2012;[77] as of April 4, 1,924 had been killed during the War in Afghanistan. The Trail of Tears in the 1830s exemplified the Indian removal policy that stripped the native peoples of their land. The tide of modernism and then postmodernism has brought fame to American architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Philip Johnson, and Frank Gehry. [118] Wealth, like income and taxes, is highly concentrated: The richest 10% of the adult population possesses 69.8% of the country's household wealth, the second-highest share among developed nations. The MississippiMissouri River, the world's fourth longest river system, runs mainly northsouth through the heart of the country. Since the Civil War, only one third-party presidential candidateformer president Theodore Roosevelt, running as a Progressive in 1912has won as much as 20% of the popular vote.

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