Left with no other choice, Cleo decides to create a scene and cause her own scandal. Emily wants to make Lucas more familiar with her job and Lucas agrees to try Emily's plan. But things still dont add up: why would Carl confess if the police were looking for a woman? Jennifer was the one to call the cops and Watson had the unfortunate job of sorting everything out at the station, but the mayor got what she wanted: Mike and his team have been set back once again. But things end in disaster and Emily is nearly crushed to death by one of the comets on the set, saved at the last minute by Lucas who ended up going to the hospital. Kevin is very happy lately. Watson agrees to work with Ben and yoi have to ask Bill to trace Michaela's phone. in nikocado avocado addressGeneral; my cafe level 28 donald or fernando . After you set up what Mary requested for the reception, she starts questioning whether or not she's ready for this. Olivia also claims that Mike serves bad food. Judging from the bullet position in Leopold's head, the gun was shot by a fairly tall person. At the bottom of the box containing the switch, Mary found some sugar and cherry pits. When you see her again, Cleo wants to continue their relationship, but Ron is less than pleased. When you talk to her again, she tells you that she wasnt able to fall asleep and asks you to see what the other customers do to help with insomnia. To defeat his old friend, Ryan had to learn about teamwork and how to ask the coffee shop customers for help. When you speak with Mary, you find that she feels the same way about Bill, except for one little thing: for some reason the programmer gets very shy around her friend Elsa. After discovering that Jennifer had provided alibi for Robert Tetrapark, who murdered Ryan's friends, Ryan demands that Jennifer steps down as mayor, believing her to be a criminal. Bill scores the decisive goal during his first match and Mary agrees to go on a second date. Ben screws up each time, decides to pursue a job as an anchorman or correspondent, until Bill offers him a position as a writer for the game. His plan was ruined when Jennifer called over a helicopter and sent the flyers he was about to put up on Jennifer's house scattered all over town instead. Petrovich heard a shot, thought Charlie was wounded and maybe even dead. As Lucas predicted, however, Bill sees right through it, so Ron has to fake an injury during the chess game, although Bill sees right through that too. Ann tells you Cleo has been crying a lot lately. He just wanted Elsa to be happy, even if it was with a different man. In exchange, Daisy asks you for a Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise. You remember about his vicious brother Edward. Afterwards he tells you that Newton carried the baby to the crib but there was a roll of thunder outside and the robot shut down. The haunted house attraction Donald and Daisy based off of Bloody Penny has been lucrative, but Daisy is interested in breaking ground on a new quest and needs help thinking of the perfect theme. Talk to Margaret, Elsa, and Felicia about what Mary likes/finds romantic. When he returns to the coffee shop, he says things went horribly. Tip: Ron wins his match once other the customers have trained him, so bet against him for the first 3 matches (against Raging Beavers, Wild Oysters, and Invincible Salmon) and for him on the 4th match (against Lightning Sloths) to get your diamonds back. They have a lot in common, including muffins being their favorite dessert. Ryan doesn't believe her altruism and tries to sabotage the project by convincing all her investors to pull out and starting a smear campaign against Jennifer. Donald Mulligan (former boss) Appearances Debut Level 15 Jennifer Park is a caf customer who makes her first appearance at level 15. Tip: crossing the moat using the branches of a nearby tree, point the vacuum cleaner at the tiger because cats are afraid of them, call the fire department to save the sentimental grand piano. Lucas has written an article studying the differences between the two universes, publishing it in Synchrophasotron Fun. Lucas is having some trouble with his time machine and still needs to work out the kinks. He gave her the statuette he made for her and it turns out shes a huge fan of Petronia Sledges work! He gives the player a Blue Gift for their help. no " sell the cafe to fernando option. He wants to destroy your coffee shop. When Watson successfully (thanks to the dog) finds Koffsky's wallet, there is a woman's photo in it. He was able to sing the song to her, though, and although they arent meant to be, he says a weight has been lifted off his chest. If you convince Elsa not to tell Clyde about his real daughter, Mary, she agrees that telling him and Mary would only lead to heartbreak. Mike confirms all of this but the bad food part. Right after the sale on later? Talk to Bill, he is worried about something his mom said. For some reason, the fashion icon had turned on all their appliances at once and fried a circuit, starting a fire in their house. Talking to Watson, he is still frantically trying to find out who robbed the exhibit so he can save his job. Margaret manages to steal the mayor's files and gives them to Bill so he can decrypt them. Either way, Ron has bought himself some time. Rewards: 1 gem from Ron after the match against the Raging Beavers; 2 gems from Ron after you buy the decoration; 2 gems from Ron after he designed the outfit; 3 gems from Ron after you come up with your customers' suggestions for training; 1 gem each from Donald, Margaret, Mary and Petrovich after the last game. Youll need to ask Petrovich and remember what he tells you about the bed so you can pass the information onto Lucas. Gold gift from Olivia, and 1.000.000 star points (it's on upper left side on the screen, what dya call it?) Dogs can sense ghosts so, later, you borrow Cleo's dog, Marshmallow, which remains calm. You will get only one change to buy it from Fernando by spending 49 diamonds. Unfortunately, something happens during the fishing trip and Petrovich returns asking for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom to calm him down so he can tell the story. But thank you for your answer, Answer from: MehYou get the cafe back from Donald. Mary opened the envelope, and they're having twins! Things go according to plan and the two lovers are arrested. Rewards: 1 gem from Elsa after you buy the sconces; 1 gem from Clyde; 3 gems from Bill. If you suggest she go with Petrovichs table, shell say that her boyfriend matched the colors of the room perfectly and even her mother will appreciate the ingenuity. But he doesnt have much luck either and is convinced Ron has a soccer ball for brains. He is very excited to show Clyde all the new tech hes bought for their show. Not used to the mechanics of basketball, Bill performs horribly in the game and Mary says she will never date him now. Reward gold gift by Ben. However, this scoop is nothing compared to what she said next: that shes Marys biological mother! When Petrovich was younger, he was a locksmith. Ron seems sleepless. Whether to calm his anxiety or to fulfill his latest celebrity whim, Clyde asks you for a Muffin before he meets with his daughter. There have been too many changes in the young womans life recently. Tip: accepting or refusing the 25 diamonds from Olivia doesn't change the story's outcome. Cleo says shes using them for the Oh blondie! game show, which Mike roped her into. The survey reveals that the election would be a tie unless Mary Ditt voted. Note: Some story titles are not official. Emily doesn't know how to find common ground with Lucas and asks you to talk to other customers about the way they deal with relationship problems. Now hes traveling around, trying to track down the women from his past and possibly the children hes never had the chance to meet so he can try to make up for the lost years, though he hasnt been able to find any of them yet. Reset circuit breakers: Tell him to lower the coat hanger. Mike goes with Ryan and Watson to rescue her. In Mikes mind, music, a star-studded romance, and a scandal is a recipe for success. At the beginning of this level, if you chose Donald as Mayor in #Level 15, he'll announce that he's going to resign, leaving Jennifer as the new Mayor. Get the "magic" notebook from Carl. Donald thinks that your customer survey wont be complete until you talk to Jennifer. Using a queens raid, Ron and his team win. Answer from: SchoenbechWawa Aqilah: margaret has sent a message in the game that mike Will come back but they do not know when currently there are errors in the game, that they are trying to fixing. He decides to return Bill's computer instead even though this makes him look like a fool. The robot fed the baby and then sang him a lullaby. It seems that some citizens are furious about the activities of Green Moon. Bill had nothing bad to say about the mayors foundation, but hes probably just not interested in it. Margaret thinks you should advise Koffsky to rent out part of his home to Clyde Bowen, who just happens to be looking for a place. Cleo reveals that Margaret used to throw knives near her, while Cleo answered Bill's questions. She wants Elsa to use her story as a cautionary tale to warn others about whats really important in life. With no way out and without the distraction of her phone, Jennifer falls asleep until she's accidentally freed by Petrovich on his way to the gym. The retired spy thought better of it and fixed her mistake. They were a bit wild back then and one day they decided to summon the ghost of Bloody Penny. After coming back from China (see Level 17), Alice is hit by bad luck. Answer from: MhizblexinIf you sell to Fernando, you get a gold gift from felicia, pink gift from Oliver and a blue gift from Fernando. Answer from: Ann@Andy. Talk to Petrovich, who brought the ring to Carl to sell. She is also very practical, and is excited to meet her father after all these years despite growing up in a single-parent household. During the hypnosis, Watson starts to remember that he was attacked by someone looking like Koffsky. Fernando has told you that you have now unlocked styled furniture! Rewards: 9 diamonds, 3,800 Prestige points, 1 Pink Gift. Mike plans to plaster flyers about Jennifer cleaning the town all over her house and asks you to find out when Watson is going on shift. He feels it was somehow his and Bills fault, though, because maybe if they hadnt tampered with Simone there wouldnt have been a break-in. Ron distracts Bill so much during their match that the programmer ends up losing. However I do not trust Donald completely and with Fernando I am confused as I am not sure I will get the cafe back so I want to hear from players who have already completed the storyline. Although he wasnt able to track her down himself, Cleo saw Clydes childhood sweetheart. The Donald Cafe. Mike leaves the town, but will return as a customer at a much later level. Its crucial Emily doesnt find out about the tests or the results will be compromised, so hes taken precautions and installed a defense system in your coffee shop that will sound off if anyone tries to tell Emily the truth. Bill needs to work out his courage to talk to Mary. Clyde is pretty beat up by what happened because, not only was his pride for his music hurt, he put so much effort into his music for the show and all Koffsky did was buy some shiny new gadgets. He asks you to enlist some help from your customers so he can find her once again. Margaret will tell you a secret about Elsa if you serve her a Cappuccino with Nutmeg, Ice and Chocolate. Rewards: Pink Gift from Koffsky, Blue Gift from Alice. Mary thinks her friend is too tactful to criticize anyone, so she asks you to find out whether Elsa really likes Bill or is just telling white lies to avoid hurting Marys feelings. He wants to learn more about the accident. When you tell Henry the details of what you found, he says Elsa had a visit from the ghost, with a message written on her mirror. He is the threat that Watson Holmes is talking about. Olivia, Felicia's lawyer, asks you and Henry for help. During his speech at the union he found a clever way to convince everyone that, despite the fact that everything is absolutely fine and the town is thriving, there are no plans to raise wages in the foreseeable future. Mary said that if today were her last day on earth she would get married. They would have never figured out it was Carl. The media misinterpreted a friendly hug between Cleo and Clyde as romantic, a scandal which was started by Mike himself and to which he says talent will only get Cleo so far. Tip: all dream events are in your story book. You learn from Olivia that he is scoping out the competition and plans to open one of his restaurants in town. He suggests you go to Watson for help, who gushes that Donald is the towns new superhero for taking down a group of thugs who were trying to steal candy from a kid. Requirements: a Ginseng Americano for Henry Dougan; Decoration for Lucas; during the investigation, Lucas wll need Chocolate Cake with Tapioca, Hazelnuts, and Honey for three times; the tier 3 Service Table for Henry. Koffsky agrees to help Watson, afraid that the police officer will burn down his house if he doesnt help. There's a lot of turmoil because of Bill and Mary's looming wedding. The first interpretation will lead to more people asking for the same favor. Requirements: Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Emily, Cupcake with Berries, Maple Syrup and Saffron for Petrovich, Canel with Whipped Cream and Forest Berries for Emily, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Lucas, Requirements: Eastern Star Coffee with Cardamom for Mike, Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Mike, Pancake with Saffron, Vanilla and Forest Berries for Mike, Turkish Coffee with Grenadine Syrup for Mike, Rewards: Blue Gift from Cleo, Gold Gift from Mike (optional). The two go back and forth planning their upcoming wedding. The performance is a success and the fans loved Cleos music! Clyde, Cleo, Bill and Mary leave the cafe for now. How many corners does the table have now? Bill tries his best to sabotage this robot but only does more damage. Right after that, Michaela and Ben are taken to the police station. He asks for a Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose. She doesn't mind she ended up losing the bet either because, regardless, she's happy for Cleo and said she did an amazing job. Once he defended a certain waitress, who was attacked in the park. The Felicia story is separate. Donald was able to help the other guys solve their problems and rediscovered psychology. Before you have time to ask why, he presses the RED button on the time machine and you arrive back. Say you know the dress mix-up was his fault and he could be fired over it. Spoiler, Bill falls into a pit while helping to save some tiger cubs. He had a hard time during the diving lesson, where he took a pretty nasty tumble and damaged club property. If they pick Jennifer she becomes the new mayor. Watson recognizes her as a girl whom he rescued once. Elsa tells you she fell in love when a book by an attractive author fell out of a shelf and into her hands. He asks for a Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom because he doesnt know if hell ever get kidnapped again. If you kept her secret, she will give you 5 diamonds and a Pink Gift as thanks. When you talk to him, he realizes Jennifer is the one behind everything and asks you for an Eastern Star Coffee with Cardamom to help him think. Say you won't say a word about his mistake to anyone if he helps you. Doesn't talk to Mary as much as she'd like because Mary's focused on career. Elsa says Henry was the one who figured out how to get rid of the mirror all those years ago, but when you talk with him you find out the only reason he got rid of the mirror was so his friends could finally calm down, not because he believed they were actually being haunted. The antique dealer says he sold an old piece of paper he inherited and now has enough money to fund his wedding with Margaret. Contrary to what Mary likes to believe, Bill doesn't agree with her vision for the wedding. Hey everyone. You need to ask Felicia which one she prefers. Bill has catched the baby before he hit the floor. Watson is no longer cold and Bill's tablet works fine. The news that the elderly man in the gray hat is Clyde Bowen made a strong impression on Elsa. Requirements: Chimney Cake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Watson, Chimney Cake Vanilla Ice Cream, Cherry and Mint for Ryan, Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Saffron and Cardamom for Ryan. Mike uses blackmail, bribery and forged documents to win back the doctor and building, but this ended up implicating Jennifer in corruption, and the townspeople petitioned for her immediate resignation. I would advise to just spend 1 coin since we get no rewards anyways My Cafe: Recipes And Stories - Gameplay Video, My Cafe: Recipes And Stories - Gameplay Video 3. Painting Costs: French Style - $187, 000.00, English Style - $182,000.00, Chinese Style - $185,000.00, American Retro Style - $183,000.00, Northern Lights Style - $191,000., Loft Style - $$190,000. Lower temperature. Bill and Mary feel they can't afford a nice wedding. by | Jun 30, 2022 | robert a altman cause of death | what vpn does rush limbaugh endorse | Jun 30, 2022 | robert a altman cause of death | what vpn does rush limbaugh endorse Requirements: an Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose, and Cinnamon for Felicia; a tier-4 Table for Four for Carl; a Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, and Saffron for Ben after he worked for Emily; a Vitamin Explosion Yogurt with Guarana for Ben to draw up his resume; a Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla, and Cardamom for Ben after his first interview, then a Latte with Star Anise, Cinnamon, and Marshmallows before you suggest him better replies to the interviews; an Equilibrium Tea for Ben after his first reportage. First she asks Michaela to sort paper clips. Juice box - use Cleo's friend baby, try a different juice, give something to eat to get a smile. Watson is like I'm going to keep this for a bit til it's sorted. At the same time, Olivia is scared because she senses that someone is following her. Watson can't quite prove it yet, but getting Bill to confess may mitigate his punishment. Margaret will ask you to serve a Chocolate Cake with Tapioca, Hazelnuts and Honey to share a secret about how to behave in high society, Petrovich will ask you for an American with Saffron and Cardamom to get ready for the charity, Petrovich will ask for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom after the party, Petrovich will ask for Aphrodite Tea with Nutmeg, Rose, and Cinnamon for Felicia, Felicia will ask for Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon, and Mint, Cat food - Mary Ditt's cat (Faustina), vacuum, catnip, favorite food under advertised food. When you deliver the drink, he says he has opened a new secret line for the police to contact him and Watson goes to the police archives for you. We then learn that Ben proposed while on a walk in the park (on bended knee playing Mendelssohn's Wedding March on a whistle). Because Ben is low with money at this point, he can only afford to sponsor sending the tiger cubs by sea. Koffsky will ask you for 500, promising to give you back 600 as soon as he will be able to. Mr. Bowen thinks he writes terrible lyrics, so hes going to steer clear of this job. Clyde says he wrote enough songs to fill up a new album, but he wants it to be a surprise for Koffsky because his partner has a lot on his mind. Fernando is happy to sell you back your caf. In fact, robbers had broken into Elsas house and Alice is staying with her temporarily so she wont be left alone. I have tried to call him using diamonds a few times but he never shows up to finish the story line. True to her word, she gives you a Gold Gift for helping her. But he isnt the only one the ghost visited. Then, he asks you to talk to Ann because Mary always seems sad when she comes home from the coffee shop, but Ann says they always have a great time laughing and gossiping. Petrovich accepted because it was easy money, but things took a wrong turn: Charlie said guards were coming, pushed Petrovich in the then empty vault, where he got locked in. He enlists the help of Clyde to make a song with Cleo and the country singer agrees. Elsa tears the page. Tips and rewards: Selling to Fernando costs 25 diamonds. When Petrovich goes to furnish the newly painted living room, he finds a table already there that Felicias mother had bought. my cafe level 28 donald or fernandohow does khalil explain thug life. Petrovich concludes they lied to him and have been together this whole time, spending the money they stole. Carl got the ring from Antwerp, jewelry capital of the world. Things are headed in the right direction when you talk to Bill, although he says that while hes really interested in Mary, hes decided to love her from afar. He's described as rich, dashing and well-dressed. Her ex-husband only ever gave her two presents: the necklace and Clyde Bowen performing at their wedding. Requirements: Coffee with Cardamom for Watson, 250 for Koffsky (optional), Americano with Cream, Cinnamon, Popcorn and Star Anise for Clyde. Tap on it multiple times and see why it is so special - and receive a Pink Gift! Cleo wants firstly Vanilla Ice Cream with Lemon. It looks like hes left the Corporation and wants to make a brand new start as a producerCleos producer to be exact! The bank is threatening to foreclose on his house unless he can make his next mortgage payment. After losing, Clyde decides to quit the show. The corporate monger changed the story to where Cleo isnt dating Clyde anymore, just like shed asked, but he says stopping the scandal entirely would have made Cleos popularity plummet. Requirements: a couple of tier-4 sconces for Elsa; a Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Clyde; Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint for Bill; a Golden Microphone decoration for Emily. An excavator appeared and started digging around the area after a tipoff there was some rare fossils to be found under Mikes property. At first, he needs help to reply to her; he will update you on the letters he's gonna exchange with Nikki, and then he'll invite her to the caf and you'll see. 4,533 views Jan 6, 2021 27 Dislike Share Turmoil Forge 300 subscribers My journey as I venture into the immersing world of exciting new cooking stories. Max first appeared during the 2018 Coffee Fest Event then came back for later events. Answer from: CarlaYes he will give u back the money and ur cafe I already done that. Daisy asks for a Pancake with Berries and Saffron. Make Chocolate Ice cream with Saffron because she's mad and has to cool down. He witnessed two robbers in his house and they locked him in a closet, debating what to do with him, when Clyde comes in and saves the day. In an attempt to pass on the message, Koffsky did the same to Clyde and the musician stood up suddenly, complaining that it was too hot in the room. You talk to Margaret about this, who claims that the ghosts tales are a bunch of fake tales designed to scare children. Petrovich swears he didn't touch it. Margaret almost destroyed a girl's life because she had her eye on the wedding dress Margaret wanted. After a quick chat with the local officer, Watson Holmes, we find out the police are looking for a Ben Jones, in connection to the local robbery of the museum where the Mona Lisa has been stolen, the very name Mary remembers Ben using on their marriage certificate. When you ask what happened, he tells you that he lost his wallet, and asks you to tell Watson about it. They exchange notes and Mary agrees to go on a date with him although she does not believe her 'admirer' is really Bill. Henry thinks their friend is the one who has been acting as the ghost the entire time, but the coffee connoisseur denies it. She comes from a rich family which lost their fortune. When you talk to him, Lucas is heavily in denial and insists its simply for a scientific experiment; theres no feelings of love, only chemical reactions. You will need to talk to: Bill, Watson, Petrovich, Cleo & Kevin. Koffsky is enthusiastic about the suggestion of living with Clyde. Even without the mirror, Koffsky is still worried, convinced that Bloody Penny is back to finish the job. Ginseng: 2-5. Watsons under no false impressions about Mayor Donald Mulligans integrity. Clydes love story involves a girl he wrote a song for when he was a teenager. She'll go on a blind date with him, and revealing him the truth will get Clyde to try and reconcile with his new-found daughter, but it won't be an easy task, and you'll have to save him from an impeding depression. Upon hearing their predicament, Lucas says when the time machine exploded, it must have opened a wormhole to a parallel universe where Mary and Bill are having problems and on the verge of divorce. Bill tells you his friends were impressed by Tony. Although it would bring in a lot of revenue for the town, the park holds a lot of treasured memories for her. Koffsky also told Clyde that there would be a surprise waiting for him at home. Margaret asks for a sofa in exchange for providing you with an exotic animal (a sloth). Elsa decided that Mary isnt ready to learn the whole truth about her parents yet. Now you need to find a place for him to perform, you suggest getting Ron to agree to hold the concert at his teams stadium. Meeting Emily for the first time, you find out shes an advertising agent. Still riding off his single victory against his faceless opponent, Ron races off to challenge Bill again, but Henry knows the soccer star isnt ready yet.

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my cafe level 28 donald or fernando