Do we feel justiied? In 1983 he co-founded the Franklin Quest Company to produce the planner and train individuals and organizations in the time management principles on which the planner was based. Eine andere -Site. Ever. There will be overflow facilities available in the adjacent ward house. I have heard of stuff that has gone on that makes me doubt entirely the whole process of repentance. I could go on, but this is enough for now that its more than his sexual history that is problematic. In tscc, when that shit happens you can rest assured that some great stuff has gone down the memory hole, and that the whitewash has been splashed about with great liberality. Here is a compilation of what he had learned about it in his life. This thought lessened my respect for him even further. This overwhelming experience took place at nearly "the same hour that the Carthage mob were shedding the blood of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, near one thousand miles distant," according to his autobiography. Smith didn't anticipate the Rosetta stone. Hyrum W. Smith is a distinguished author, speaker, and businessman. He also loved the American flag and proudly displayed it everywhere it could possibly be displayed. Dennis Miller once riffed on the fact that so many prison inmates were being born again while on death row. She was a graduate of Dixie State College. But for me that has to do with the fact that one of our two parties is approaching some kind of cliff of madness. He can do the crime, but not the time. He also hated mess of any kind and always had on hand a generous supply of 409 spray bottles for any cleaning need that might come up. (Maybe that should be my tagline.) Thats just not the way Mormons roll, and certainly not the leadership. He calls Romney the Massachusetts Moderate. He was born October 16, 1943 to Joseph Fielding and Ruth Pingree Smith in Salt Lake City, Utah. My dad is very tough on those who have committed adultery and have not sought forgiveness. When there is Newt-like boldness and lack of humility (and repeated transgression)it really rubs Mormons the wrong way. Privacy Policy. davenport funeral home crystal lake, il obituaries List Of Descendants Of Joseph Smith, Sr. And Lucy Mack Smith - Hyrum Smith. Thats one of the reasons he consented to write about his experience sans any royalties when he was approached by LDS Church-owned Deseret Book. Those of us who remember the 90s feel betrayed by him. I dont want Romney to win the general election, but I feel proud when he does well. Theres no one else who can say what I can say. Gunlock - Hyrum Wayne Smith, age 76, of Gunlock, Utah died, surrounded by his family in his home at Eagle Mountain Ranch, on November 18, 2019. Im a person who hasnt committed adultery twice when my spouse was gravely ill. And Im a Mormon. One of our most oft quoted scriptures states: D&C 82: 3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation. I admit I really want to believe it is mostly a show on his part and he will betray the right of the Republicans if he wins, but these days I have no idea what to think of him. Law's papers. In 1838, the church was renamed the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". Perhaps that is because no one else in the political arena seems to employ so little self control on their utterances, except Sarah Palin, who certainly cant match Newts otherwise formidable intellect. It is hard that more than a few religious people find a serial adulterer of ill wives, more normal and acceptable than a Mormon. The flat out hypocrisy with which he did all these things speaks to an unstable and compartmentalized mind I would want nothing to do with personally or professionally. Having been formerly married to a philanderer like Newt I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him if he will lie and cheat on his multiple wives, Im sure he will lie and cheat on me as President of the U.S. Hyrum Smith is as big a dirtbag as Newt. It doesnt necessarily mean the rest of the country sees it that way. His grandson, Joseph Fielding Smith also served as president of the church from 1970 to 1972. In 1997 it became the . Hyrum Andrus explains all of this very well, here is a link. . We all know we all sin, but not feeling remorse, trying to cover it up, or not owning up to the consequences makes us think the sinners should have to payor it is not fair to the rest of us. Joseph senior became the first Patriarch of the church, succeeded upon his death by his son Hyrum, assistan. If Santorum wins I could get excited in the general. Judging by the negativity of your post, I think its clear what kind of campaign youd run if you had $20million to spend to get yourself elected as the judgingist negativity detecting commenter evar. He was the grandson of the sixth president of the LDS Church, Joseph Fielding Smith. For decades he strove to empower people to effectively govern their personal and professional lives. Gunlock - Hyrum Wayne Smith, age 76, of Gunlock, Utah died, surrounded by his family in his home at Eagle Mountain Ranch, on November 18, 2019. It was clear to me in a way I hadnt fully realized before that as a Mormon, I have definite expectations when it comes to repentance, but its much more vague with my Evangelical friends. Hyrum W. Smith is a distinguished author, speaker, and businessman. He was raised in Honolulu, Hawaii as a consequence of his family moving there. Seems to me that its standard practice that leaders engaged in such sins are help to be doing something far more serious than were a regular lay member to be doing it. He leaves behind his wife,. Ill forego you comments and ad: Id better to keep out of US politics right? I do believe the recent one was, but I admit I havent seen any source documents myself clarifying that. As I examined my own Romney revulsion, I asked myself how I would feel if Romney were LDS? In 1983 he co-founded the Franklin Quest Company to produce the planner and train individuals and organizations in the time management principles on which the planner was based. They had six children together. Aside from being bff with Joseph and wearing the funky sunglasses, there's not much there to know. My first thought was that he probably would not be LDS any more, having been excommunicated, and it is unlikely he would have undergone the rigors of the process to become rebaptized. Of course, Mitts inconsistencies over time are troubling to me, too, for other reasons. Song. "Hyrum Smith to the Saints Scattered Abroad," Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 21. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, "Moroni Appeared to 17 Different People! He was raised in Honolulu, Hawaii as a consequence of his family moving there. He attended BYU for a year followed by a semester at New York Queens College before serving two years in the British Mission, London England for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But even if he werent Mormon hes not exactly the person who excites the base of the Republican party. In 1838 and 1839, Hyrum, Joseph and three other church leaders shared a jail cell in Liberty, Missouri, while awaiting trial. Wayne Cutler Gunnell stated that on December 31, 1844, "Phineas H. Young . What surprised me is how many of my non-LDS corporate colleagues are big Romney fans. #14 Anontoday, whatever else Smith is, hes not receiving royalties for his book. Ive known men, both in and out of the church, who have cheated on their wives. He could say anything he wanted. I was alive and well during the 90s and apparently some people have incredibly short memories, or are desperate or both. (Im not making a charge, nor am I wishing to create a threadjack, but it seems were much more likely to rate adultery as a worse sin than political expediency. who plays elias in queen of the south; tickets for the concession golf tournament; family doctors accepting new patients near me; greater moncton home builders In other words, sans Romney, may Mormons would be excusing Newt on the same kind of Christian grounds that many Evangelicals have.. Because the alternative would be a moderate liberal, aka Beelzebub. According to a biography posted on the Franklin Planner website, he served a mission in London for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and, after that, was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he commanded a Pershing missile unit in Germany. I think Newt is a convenient sideshow. This may have been one of the factors behind Dr. Nathan Smith treating Smith's brother Joseph's leg.[2]. If you can be saved simply by saying God, I am a sinner then why cant you be forgiven simply by saying God, Im sorry.. He was one of the Eight Witnesses who swore to the reality of a set of golden plates inscribed with the Book of Mormon. Joseph F. Smith, his son by Mary Fielding Smith, served as president of the LDS Church from 1901 to 1918. Despite our own reputation as gullible, Evangelicals are certainly not immune to Ned Flanders Disease. Good cons need a few apparently true believers to get the fraud off of the ground. Smith returned to the fold that he had to make some real changes in his life. In the most recent circuit, when he lit into Romney about his pious baloney, I was stunned at the pots calling the kettle black. He can do the crime, but not the time. He was born October 16, 1943 to Joseph Fielding and Ruth Pingree Smith in Salt Lake City, Utah. Marysville, Ohio. Metcalf Mortuary - St. George 288 West St. George Blvd. Newt is evil and unhinged, and Ron Paul has policies that I see as dangerous or unreasonable. Hyrum was one of the original creators of the popular Franklin Day Planner. The company sold its consumer products unit, which makes the Franklin Planner, to a private equity firm in 2008. The company bought Stephen R. Coveys leadership company in 1997 and changed the name to FranklinCovey. Can someone explain comment #14 to me? Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. This is a tension found among the Gospels, with Joseph Smith doing some harmonizing work. And in the JST version of the Bible, we re-examine this verse from Luke: Luke 12:57 But he that knew not his Lords will, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. That is a difficult task to obey. I too remember him from the 90s during the Clinton impeachment. I think being on the side of all parties is right, whenever possible, since that is clearly the route God takes. Its not that Im harder on sin (although I am, compared to mot evangelicals); its that Im harder on pure, unadulterated, rank, boundless hypocrisy, manipulation and ego. I also wanted to say Im with still confused on comment #1- in that my personal distaste for Newt Gingrich is unrelated to his extramarital affairs. This is where Spocket comes in - a platform that claims to connect online retailers with top-rated suppliers and wholesalers from around the world. Are we tougher on adultery I think so; you make a good case. The Pearl of Great Price Seminar The Book of Mormon Seminar The Doctrine and Covenants Seminar rockslider Members 391 Gender:Male Location:Heber, Utah Author Interment will happen at the Gunlock Cemetery. After he gives his standard answer to the question, he gives the guys who asked it a reading assignment: And it came to pass, as [], Newt Gingrich: The Indispensable Republican., Mormon History Association Awards Nominations: Deadline Feb.15. Thats why I wont vote for the ego-maniacal troll. WTH doesnt even begin to describe my reaction to that one. So the Church does NOTHING, the wife keeps her mouth shut, because why bother telling anyone in leadership about it? a firm and chewy baked product contains gluten; is chuck drummond still alive; homes for rent by owner in calumet city, il; houma news live; did adam bowles leave kthv I cant say that about Newt and I end up laughing hysterically just at the thought. Who got the vision? He started out a hero by forcing the government shut down for a short time. The difference seems to be one of humility and repentance. 5 M. Russell Ballard, the current Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church, is also a direct descendant of Smith. If Evangelicals are embracing anyone but a Mormon, there is one candidate Mormons do not like one bit: Newt Gingrich. And hes smug. Racist Remarks by the LDS Church. #38 Jetboy Yes I would say almost all Mormons who arent voting for Romney probably tend to vote on the other side of the aisle. In the ninth chapter of Matthew, Jesus seems to have gotten really fed up with people asking him why he eats with publicans and sinners. Finally, I think the inability of Huntsman to get any traction among Mormons probably says more about how our religion leads us to view candidates. Delusions of grandeur? He was raised in Honolulu, Hawaii as a consequence of his family moving there when he was three years old, where his father was the head of the speech department at the University of Hawaii. If I were to have to choose between a moral candidate who was a moral but in no way prepared to lead a nation, I would vote for an immoral person who was. Franklin Covey Founder Hyrum Smith Struggles Back From Excommunication SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH -- In Saturday's Salt Lake Tribune, Franklin Covey co-founder Hyrum Smith talked about his new book, "What Matters Most" and about his struggle back from his 1998 excommunication from the LDS Church. 2017 Purposeful Retirement Workbook & Planner. Between 1831 and 1833, he served proselyting missions to Missouri and Ohio. 3. Wifes lawyer to question woman in Gingrich divorce case. Marysville Journal-Tribune. Guest Bio: Hyrum W. Smith is a distinguished author, speaker, and businessman. A ban has been issued on your username. In the interim period, the person is considered to be without benefit of saving ordinances, so should that person die during that time, s/he is left out in the cold from a salvation perspective. Personally, if he wins I really hope moderate, pragmatic Guvn Romney shows up rather than right-wing pandering Romney. But I think Republicans really want someone charismatic who can get their message out. Being forgiven of any sin simply requires asking God for forgiveness. Joseph, Brigham, Heber, John Taylor, etc. Great talk that explores suicide, excommunication, forgiveness, and the love of the Savior By Hyrum Smith (the Franklin Covey one) Close. But I also know good Christian Mormons (not as many of the latter as of the former) so I am hesitant to make a blanket statement. Hyrum Smith: A Man of Mildness and Integrity Museum Treasures These artifacts are perhaps the most intimate remembrance of the martyrdom of Hyrum Smith: they are the clothes Hyrum was wearing when he was killed, the watch he carried in his pocket that day, and a pair of sunglasses he owned. I am curious about Brither Alvin. -Despair Inducing He was excommunicated but after several years got his membership back. He graduated from University High School in 1961. Why? In 1834, under the direction of Joseph Smith, he recruited members for a militia, Zion's Camp, and traveled with the group to the aid of the Latter Day Saints in Missouri. It kinda puts in perspective just how weird some people think we are. Since then he has lived with his family in Honolulu, Portland Oregon, Ventura California, Simi Valley California, Centerville Utah, St. George Utah, with the last 20 years being spent at his beloved Eagle Mountain Ranch in Gunlock, Utah. From what I have consistently heard, the biggest Mormon objection to Newt is his serial adultery, especially because the wives he cheated on and eventually left were gravely ill at the time he left them for younger women. He was intelligent enough to foresee the inevitable demographic problem with polygamy (too many single men) and suggested a eunuch class would need to be developed. Posted by. Joseph replied that "it was not expedient for him to tell more than had already been told about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and it was not well that any greater details be provided. Hyrum Smith the patriarch was never charged with or found guilty of adultery. Quoted in Pearson H. Corbett, Hyrum SmithPatriarch (1963), 164. . [3] In June 1829, Smith was baptized in Seneca Lake, New York. . While Evangelicals and Mormons both talk family-centric, Mormons add teeth to it. People who knew both of them say that Hyrum would occasionally chastise Joseph for joking around too much and being too informal and trusting people too easily. A private Interment will be in the Gunlock Cemetery. Among the company's other products, Smith created the Franklin Planner and seminars on productivity development based on "principles" and other concepts. His books, seminars and presentations have been acclaimed by both American and international audiences. Whos tuff on sin? I would mention his own getting kicked out of the chairmanship by the Republican Party, but staunch supporters say the charges were later proven false and consider it proof of a Republican elitist conspiracy. Are Mormons culturally more critical of serious flaws in leaders than of others? 1996-2023 The Salt Lake Tribune. It doesnt matter what I live. Smith served as presiding officer of a church branch in Colesville, New York, and was one of the first Latter Day Saint missionaries in the surrounding area. View The Guestbook For Hyrum Wayne Smith of Gunlock, Utah. But that wouldnt bring out the collective Mormon hand-wringing weve seen, since most Mormons would be in danger of going over the cliff with the GOP. After his marriage to Gail, the newlyweds returned to Fort Sill and Hyrum attended the Pershing Missile Officers Course. Hyrum W. Smith (October 16, 1943 - November 18, 2019) founded the Franklin Quest Company in 1983. Thanks to the JST, Mormons do in fact feel entitled to judge, so long as it isnt unrighteous judgment. One article even theorized that Newts serial adultery made him more relatable than Mitts one-woman for life approach. In a single blog post aimed at lamenting how negative Romney is, you made it clear Romney: Mormons have higher expectations for leaders. Its not as much Newts serial adultery when his wives were seriously ill (which is almost rock bottom sick in and of themselves) and the political opportunism described by his second wife (Callista will help me become President.), but his utter lack of remorse and repentance coupled with his dome-sized ego and his (I believe intentional and calculated) focus on manipulating the angry (Tea Party) and scared (evangelicals). In Newts words: it may make me more normal than somebody who wanders around seeming perfect and maybe not understanding the human condition, and the challenges of life for normal people.. If Newt were not running against one of us, and following directly if he didnt occasion a need to compare once again Evangelical mental states to our own (a cultural addiction), Im pretty sure we wouldnt think more than twice about Newt. I cant speak for all Mormons, but certainly Newts marital infidelities color my thinking, especially when he hypocritically publicly talks family values while privately destroying them. Joan Osborne . -Hateful He delivered the first twenty-four pages of the printer's manuscript of the Book of Mormon to the E. B. Grandin office in mid-August 1829. Hyrum served a mission in London, England. The best we can say about Romney is that hes better than the rest in a pretty horrible year for candidates. Perhaps that is how our repentance process seems to an Evangelical who believes a friendly chat with God in private is copascetic. Do you think Mormons feel more justified in judging others or about the same? Hyrum never really retired; he just changed his focus of where he was spending his time. For Mormons, the repentance process is very rigorous for adulterers. #29 Yeah, Thomas, I can see that, unfortunately. In February 2007, Ida Smith attended a lecture about Mary Magdalene at the Salt Lake City Public Library. First published in 2019 1 edition. I believe that Hyrum was never in on the con. Ida Smith, the great-great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith, who became convinced that Nemelka was called of God after reading The Sealed Portion, donated her plot to Nemelka. Over the years, Hyrum has received numerous honors and community service awards, including: * Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America, * 1992 SRI Gallup Hall of Fame and Man of the Year Award. Romney had to spend millions to get people not to trust a multiple adulterer whos sole campaign is best around his rhetorical barbs. Hyrum was a member of the Council of Fifty in Nauvoo, Illinois. Samuel H. Smith and Don Carlos Smith to Hyrum Smith, 13 Oct. 1837, Church Archives. Hyrum was one of the original creators of the popular Franklin Day Planner. Anyone? He is a grandiose narcissist of the highest order. The flat out hypocrisy with which Romney spews out his paranoia of fear and violence speaks to an unstable and compartmentalized mind. Get that minor non-salvific point outta here. I would be VERY interested to hear from a Mormon who prefers Newt over Romney. He was then assigned to a nuclear capable Pershing Missile unit in Schwaebisch Gmeund, Germany where he was initially Firing Platoon leader, followed by being the Headquarters & Headquarters Battery Commander. Smith was a direct descendant of Hyrum Smith, who died in 1844 alongside his brother, Mormon founder Joseph Smith, at the hands of an angry mob at the jail in Carthage, Ill. I think Obamacare was made the litmus test. 3 Born at Tunbridge, Orange Co., Vermont. McKay authorized Pres. Cannot load blog information at this time. As a teenager, he began reading books from the family library while sitting on the ditch bank waiting . Hyrum W. Smith is the founder of Franklin Quest Company and hosts seminars focused on productivity and belief. Its a tough road. But mercy is waiting at the door knocking for those who will make the effort to receive that gift, it is not free. When polled, Iowa Republicans (sporting a strong Evangelical base) were asked how they viewed Newt and Mitt: A leading Democratic pollster, Peter Hart, recently conducted focus groups with Republican voters and made an astonishing discovery: voters, when asked which family member Newt most reminded them of, said their good uncle or their kindly grandfather. However, when asked who Mitt Romney most reminded them of, it was their Dad who was never home. Look, he isnt my first choice either. Hyrum Smith Ink on paper, Sutcliffe Maudsley, circa 1844. Answer (1 of 12): Let us look at who the 11 witnesses were. I do consider that too in my own evaluation. I do not think Latter-day Saints are more judgmental than other groups, but I do think we are easily as judgmental. Because of his position as Assistant President of the Church, it is likely that Smith would have succeeded Joseph and become the next president of the church had he outlived his brother. says that her husband did all this stuff and the bishop doesnt believe her well, if there is no evidence except for one witness who backs off, that is not enough to do anything under the two or three witnesses rule. Amongst the Mormon men, the sense of shame and self loathing for the same kinds of behavior, ie one night stands on a business trip, led them to admit the issue first to their wives and then to their bishops. In lieu of flowers please donate to the, Hyrum & Gail Smith Tuacahn Legacy Endowment. There are anecdotes that he advocated for the defrauding Missouri merchants and a story of him purchasing nice suits in St. Louis on credit, then refusing to pay. A visitation will be held Monday, December 2, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Tuacahn Center for the Arts Ballroom, 1100 North Tuacahn Drive, Ivins, Utah. I am not going to vote for Romney, but our country is in a better place if people like Romney or Huntsman are the GOP nominees. A private Interment will be in the Gunlock Cemetery. At the two-hour council meeting it was declared that she would be excommunicated based on the charges of (1) apostasy, (2) teaching false doctrine, (3) priestcraft, and (4) defaming the good name of the Church. Santorum has some huge negatives due to his pretty extreme social conservativism. How many people make a profit off their adultery by writing a book about it? deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or

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hyrum wayne smith excommunicated